The series is about “an unconventional family that is formed when a successful type-A man and his estranged sister, plus her two children, find themselves not only back in each other’s lives but also living under one roof.”
The series is about “an unconventional family that is formed when a successful type-A man and his estranged sister, plus her two children, find themselves not only back in each other’s lives but also living under one roof.”
I’m so sorry for your loss, as well. I know how heartbreaking it is, especially when it doesn’t happen on its own (mine didn’t happen on its own either.) Also, the thing that happened to you also happened to my sister. Except she was DENIED the D&E, made to go home, developed an infection & a fever, and THEN they…
I just had a miscarriage at 11 weeks so I can’t even imagine what this must feel like. I am so sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing with us. While I lost my baby sooner than you did, just know you’re not alone.
None of these idiotic abortion laws are EVER fully thought out. They’re not actually meant to succeed, they’re meant to scare women into not seeking abortions. It’s like that moronic 6 week abortion ban (I forget which state passed this one through the house, Alabama maybe?); a law that’s hilariously impossible to…
Ooh, the series finale of 40 Years of Social Progress! I can’t wait to see how it ends! Will it be Goresuch? Will it be Hardiman? Tune in at 8PM and find out!
This GIF best describes the entire United States right now.*
Let’s be clear though. Every person on Trump’s Trusted Team of Douchecanoes is using him as an opportunity, all for various personal reasons.
The best way to sum up the gloriously unwatchable but somehow absolutely addictive nonsense parade known as Mariah’s World can best be summed up in one scene:
My favorite part of the single Only Hope is that whenever I listen to it (YOU KNOW YOU ALL STILL LISTEN TO THIS TERRIBLE SONG YES YOU DO SHUT UP) I get to hear the lead-in dialogue from that inexplicable play Jamie and Landon were in, because it’s part of the song. The song and the movie forever linked! *cue…
The “Blue Lives Matter” law passed in Louisiana last year—under which violence against cops was officially classified as a hate crime—also applies to resisting arrest, according to a state police chief.
Yeah, this.
So much yes to this. Member of the NYC comedy community here and all I can say is SO MUCH YES TO THIS.
“If you look at all the states in the country that have the most robust economies, they are states almost without exception that do not allow men into ladies’ rooms. But many of the states at the bottom of the pile, where their economies are suffering, have different policies,” Patrick said.
Yeah, this is the part that right-wingers tend to pretend doesn’t exist in this shitty ideology; that to believe abortion is murder, you must ALSO believe there is a murderer. In a regular case of murder, you’d have to legally prosecute both the hitman and the person who hired the hitman. So what does that mean for…
Trump’s America is a rollback to the 5th century so I suppose this makes sense. We ought to look the part.
Yeah, this is the weird part of it for me. The scenario suggested above (and that last one provided by the investigator) both sound logical, but then I get to the ligature marks and the crescent moon shaped cuts on the neck (indicating she was alive and struggling) and I can’t make the scenario work any longer. Also,…
It’s like you’ve been in every one of my NYC improv classes.
Uuuhh, yes and no with this. Honestly, a lot depends on the contract they signed. If they are contracted to perform whenever requested by producers then unfortunately they don’t have a lot of leeway to refuse. That’s a thing you generally accept as a performer. You get paid to do a gig so you do the gig. Just like the…
Girl you’re not alone. I’m right there with you. My mother had electroshock therapy a few years back for bipolar disorder. I remember reading Wishful Drinking and finding out Carrie Fisher had also had electroshock therapy, and it was comforting in this strange way. It helped me feel empathy for my mother.
I remember searching for these studies as well. Unfortunately, with federal law being what it is, you’re just not gonna find many of them. Most pregnant women won’t admit to having used marijuana, and because of federal illegality, there are no studies in the places where it IS legal. The saddest part of that is THC…