
Have you ever been pregnant? Have you ever had to hold down a job, commute, daily life while unable to stand up straight, think, drink water or keep solids down? It’s a no-win situation, what you’re talking about. If the woman can’t eat or drink, the baby suffers. If the woman takes something to stop the nausea, maybe

GIRL. I feel you. I ended up miscarrying at 11 weeks but man I was so sick the whole damn time that I could barely function. And there’s almost NOTHING you can do about it!

Thank you. It’s an age-old double-standard that only gets called out for women.

Thank you, that’s very kind and I do appreciate it. :) What’s funny is people think of Florida and they tend to assume it’s “not so bad” in terms of being part of the south. That really Florida is all transplanted northerners and liberal hispanics and I tell you, that can’t be FURTHER from the truth. Florida is THE

UGGHH! This shit really boils my blood, I gotta tell you. These shit laws created by men who have no idea what pregnancy is, does, or feels like.

To be totally fair, the off-broadway musical version was kind of spectacular, one of the best things I saw in all of 2014. It was funny, it represented the source material well and it featured some killer songs that pulled zero punches. Well cast, well written, two thumbs up.

Agreed/disagreed. The Clintons, to me, are a business partnership in the interests of making money. At this point I’m just hoping that Hillary’s own personal mythology (that she is a do-gooder who does good things for women, children, the middle class, etc) sways her brain in the direction of actually doing good.

Does she ever write any music that’s NOT about her former boyfriends?

He did. But then the high tapered out and now he’s out of weed and so here we are.

Ugh, this case. I remember it well.

I think the main problem the company/defendant is going to have is the issue of firing her on her first day returning from leave. The devil is in the details, but if the argument is that the defendant/company had to research the plaintiff’s doctor because they didn’t know what her leave was for, and only THEN

OMG, this! YES! I had the exact same thought. I’m 36 and was talking to my husband about the election, about this very issue, and about the differences in experience between men and women, and as we’re talking I start to realize that my husband doesn’t understand my experience at all. And not only does he not

My problem with this movie is not just Parker (who is gross,) but that he hinges the entire Nat Turner Rebellion on a rape that didn’t happen. How does that “educate” anyone? And in fact, is it not worse to imply to a modern audience that slavery itself (fucking SLAVERY ITSELF) wasn’t bad enough? 

This is... a terrible answer. Like a really, really terrible answer. All around, it’s a bad response. Has he even been briefed by a PR person? I mean, he could have just said, “I’m sorry that she felt any pain, I’m sorry for her family and what they’ve gone through,” and left it at that and never even addressed any

This is pretty much exactly my thought. Hillary is ambitious and always was, always looking to advance her career, her political power and interests (not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you); I’m just saying, I doubt that ambition went away just because her husband was the one who rose to power first.

Here’s a good gauge - Did you feel like you consented? My guess is you made your consent obvious to the guy (either by returning his sexual fervor or literally saying yes), in which case you were not raped. So the question is not “if 2 people are drunk is the sex rape?” but rather, if if both people are THAT wasted,

Yes, there is a blurry line for sure. But again, there IS a line. An unquestionable line. So the OP’s original (dumb) statement is: “If male person A is shitfaced and female person B is equally shitfaced, and both have sex, that’s not rape but drunk sex.”