
I thought that, too, but then I figured the NFL never got a copy of the tape. So when they finally see those punches, Goodell will probably suspend some guys.

That actually seems pretty light. I figured "make it up as I go" Goodell would really lay the hammer down considering how big the stage was.

Yes because of that 30 second fight (which they stop the game clock during) really ruins all the other things you mentioned that happen in the 60 minutes of regulated time.

I have just as much fun as anybody with Deadspin's bashing of PK. Giving King the benefit of the doubt though, he may not be "dying on (this particular) hill". He's probably doing 2 things:

What happens to the Canadian teams (the seven NHL teams, the Raptors, and the Blue Jays) if there's a war between us and Canada?

Not surprising. The Irish have been fraudulently attending bowl games for years.

When asked to comment, the NFL's Head of Security seemed unfazed, "It's not like they were a terrorist threat or anything. I mean, they weren't Muslims or anything, they're Irish. So it's not like they're capable of such an act."

Of course he slipped. It was icy.

As I said, the QB thing is maybe a closer call, though Drew's argument is pretty compelling as to why Brady is number one. It goes to the heart of the numbers vs. championships argument. I think the majority of sports fans put a premium on winning it all as opposed to what it says on the back of a guy's baseball

Are you insane? You wanna pass, fine... I LITERALLY can't think of a more dangerous throw to make than that one. Throw a fade, throw a corner, throw to the back of the endzone... literally, ANYTHING else

3rd Rock was a good show. Judging it in any way based on it's very worst episode (and one that was clearly entirely dictated by network studio heads) is unfair.

This reminds me of this one time at Chili's. These ladies sat down next to me and my buddy at the bar and started chatting us up. They were very flirty,and took a lot of interest in what we had to say. We ended up buying them dinner and paying for their drinks. Hands were on thighs, palms and fingers were meting out

Isn't that what the Hangover is?

There's gotta be a side bet going amongst the Media Day press as to who can get Marshawn to actually answer a question, right? Winner gets a steak dinner and a bottle of Talisker or something? That must be the only reason they kept trying here.

Suck for Luck!

It's almost as if people who grow up in impoverished minority-heavy areas keep some verbal vestiges of that upbringing even if they're intelligent people.

but what does that make the reporters who insist on continuing to ask him questions despite knowing well ahead of time that Lynch has no intention of answering any of them?

This guy is the most popular interview in the NFL right now. Why do they want this to end?