If I was granted a football wish, it would be that Tim Tebow, Micheal Sam and Rob Gronkowski end up on the same team and are the subjects of a reality show. Not sure I can think of a better trio to bring together and watch what the f happens.
If I was granted a football wish, it would be that Tim Tebow, Micheal Sam and Rob Gronkowski end up on the same team and are the subjects of a reality show. Not sure I can think of a better trio to bring together and watch what the f happens.
Executives have stated that they will not be attending Michael Sam's workout for fear that his rabid fan base and flood of media attention would be a distraction to the team. Instead, they'll be at Tim Tebow's private workout.
Michael Sam is gonna make for a great 30 for 30, one day.
One thing to keep in mind: this issue impacts only a small subset of all Olympians. The majority of us do not have any real sponsors even remotely interested in giving us anything substantial (we're talking maybe a few free granola bars or a hat here and there). This makes sense, of course - there are many Olympic…
Forget the Dez Bryant video, anybody remember Deflategate?
Back-to-front or front-to-back? That's the real question.
Skip Bayless to WNEP for Apparently Kid.
Having to watch David Ortiz stick a needle in his ass and get away with it while others are ostracized is bullshit. Having to watch David Ortiz take 3 minutes between pitches to spit on his gloves is bullshit.
"This is our fucking batters box."
More like Big Pussy....
Major League Baseball fans on having some of this generation's stars blackballed from the Hall of Fame while David Ortiz's reputation somehow remains intact: "We call that bullshit"
The Inglewood planning commission would decide in this matter if there is no public money directly tied to this. TIFS and tax breaks happen for private development projects everywhere, look at your own community. I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Democracy is still intact for now.
April went way downhill after season 4. They had arcs where she was into animals and wanted to be a vet but then didn't want to go to vet school a few towns away.
Craig stole the Donna wedding episode.
Wrong. April is by far the worst character.
I think a certain blog post author is tired of getting their butt kicked playing Cones of Dunshire.
This is LITERALLY a bad list Drew Magary!
Of the three above names, only one has been convicted of anything. Of the remaining two, only one has been accused by multiple victims. Also, the Oscars are about films, they aren't a morality competition.