
Still not kidding.

If I was granted a football wish, it would be that Tim Tebow, Micheal Sam and Rob Gronkowski end up on the same team and are the subjects of a reality show. Not sure I can think of a better trio to bring together and watch what the f happens.

Jesus fucking Christ, is there no pleasing you kind of people???

Executives have stated that they will not be attending Michael Sam's workout for fear that his rabid fan base and flood of media attention would be a distraction to the team. Instead, they'll be at Tim Tebow's private workout.

Michael Sam is gonna make for a great 30 for 30, one day.

Encouraging people to read books written by people of certain races is dancing on a very fine line, one which twitter allows you to easily cross by encouraging extreme 140 character statements. This movement is boiled down to the point of pretty much being racist. If you want to encourage people to read books written

WHAT? No ... racism is racism — period. Just like sexism is sexism, period. ANY type of exclusionary behavior based on race is racism. Even if it is done for a good reason, IT'S STILL RACISM. We can do better than this — there is no need to be exclusionary. How about we reward people for being inclusive instead?

Treat disaster porn as you treat regular porn. The premise is ridiculous and you know that in reality stuff is completely different. But you watch it for sheer enjoyment.

You sure won't but I'm fairly certain it's a disaster movie and not a documentary. I'm just guessing though.

One thing to keep in mind: this issue impacts only a small subset of all Olympians. The majority of us do not have any real sponsors even remotely interested in giving us anything substantial (we're talking maybe a few free granola bars or a hat here and there). This makes sense, of course - there are many Olympic

Not really a spoiler as it's the first two minutes of the show, but LMoE basically starts with him finishing a complete, and I mean complete, tour of the US. That's how much time he has on his hands lol.

It changed how people thought of cartoons, and animation in general, from something just intended for kids to a medium for telling adult, mature (but not necessarily in the "for mature audiences" way) stories. We certainly wouldn't have prime time animated shows now if not for The Simpsons.

I'll get this out of the way.

Forget the Dez Bryant video, anybody remember Deflategate?

The most important takeaway from this trailer: Sir Ian has never won an Oscar.

Well, in their defense, the character's motive where he decides he wants to save the world by killing humanity dates back to the 60's when this trope was a new-ish thing. It's not ripping off other movies like terminator/matrix/forbin project etc... the Ultron concept predates all of those.

Maybe Iron Man switched bodies with Stark and they are fighting because Stark in Peter's body is hitting on 16-year-old MJ.

Back-to-front or front-to-back? That's the real question.

Wait, isn't this the same infographic that Gawker, Tumblr, et all love to point at and claim "false rape don't real"?

He's probably teasing the announcement of the teaser for a new trailer for either Age of Ultron or Ant-Man.