
Finger: The middle. It adds flair when you flip someone the bird. And some lights around your hand and it will look like a light show in vegas

The worst doughnut even more so than the mystery filling one is the cake doughnut. I want a doughnut not a mini cake!

Is the guy who wanted to get away from his wife and kids still on the list or was he cut?

Until they face Doctor Who. I mean whenever Charlie asks for a time in sci-fi question, the Whoevians come out in droves

I'd rather have someone like you (former cop, current Fed) on the review board than Joe from down the street. Much like I'd like doctors (and former doctors) on a doctor review board.

Not what I am saying at all.

Maybe, just maybe Stephen A Smith was right? I mean how many other QBs do you pass on before trying on Tebow? Granted the only reason we are hearing about it is because it is Tebow

Actually no. The public has no knowledge of what it is like to wear the badge, what type of things come up day to day to draw from.

tl/dr....if this was a man he would be labeled as a misogynist - even if both girl friends were okay with it

then who reviews the review board? And who reviews the review's board review board.

I thought you were arguing my point, not Oliver's.

Not my point at all. How do you quantify how much to pay everyone? Most of college athletics expenses go to the big sports, and not others like rifle. Should football players make money and other sports not receive any?

I agree with it sounding fair. Just need to iron out when they receive the money (I believe they receive a small stipend already) and if those who leave early for "the draft" (would not include Olympics) get money too.

Okay, that I would get behind. Would it be regardless if you leave early to pursue "the draft?"

If you want to pay players does Marcus Marioota get paid the same as his backup? And does he get the same as the star tennis player?

Just started Starship Troopers, but just finished Childhood's End (LOVED) and The Croquet Player (H.G. Wells)