1. Cheating is wrong.
1. Cheating is wrong.
Its only dying in your eyes. Theres a reason it is still the longest running show on t.v. Please tell me about how the t.v. show that still is in prime time 25 years later should change because you think it is played out.
That was dumbest, least funny episode in, if not the entire show, certainly the last ten years of it. It might have been tolerable as a Treehouse bit. A full episode (or movie) is/ would be a middle finger to anyone who was ever a Simpsons fan.
Wait, Ohio State has an entire season and bowl victory vacated because some players gave away their own shit in exchange for tattoos, but Penn St.'s football program turns a blind eye to the molestation of children over the span of 2 DECADES and all is forgiven because they said "now that we've been caught we're…
Resurrected, Shmesurrected - just go for the cloning angle ala Jurassic Park. Actually why stop there? Why not a crossover King Kong IN Jurassic Park movie?
You arrive at college. You have been ripped away from all of your support systems at home. Maybe you didn't have much of a support system at home. You are confused and lonely and wobbly and excited and don't even know where your feet are.
I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:
Ha! We don't respect other people's beliefs even if they are different than ours, do we guys? We like to ridicule people who think different than us even though it doesn't affect us personally! How progressive and liberal of us!
White people who get indignant about this kind of shit on Twitter usually don't actually care about the larger issues, they just want to be recognized for appearing to care.
The talking raccoon demo must be irate as well.
She says she doesn't know this relative, and $25 in today's money is about $250. So if some relative I'd never met asked me for $250 for a flippant cause, I might troll the crap out of them too.
I agree it's important to defend their right to publish it. I just don't think the martyrization of the magazine is appropriate. While it's obviously disgusting what was done to them in retaliation, they still weren't heroes of some sort for pushing out this gunk.
Jesus Christ. Stop trying to defend/rationalize/contextualize this piece of shit magazine.
Yeah, a lot of that sounds preposterous.
I don't have a horse in this race, but if you lead with "original" and follow it up with "the second X," you've got a pretty big asterisk by that "original."
That's not the original cast. It's not even the full replacement cast.
Well, if I had to guess, he was probably pretty wet the entire time.
I'd imagine a mono-a-mono fight with Putin a-la War of the Gargantua
If Teddy wasn't on Mt. Rushmore (assuming they still made it with 4 faces), I have to think his replacement would have been Andrew Jackson.