
They should have been screening Westerners for measles

Stephen A Smith will now say the signing was to prove him wrong about Kelly being racist

I'm going to venture it is a fake name to get rid of the Star Wars Fans. I don't remember Blue Harvest being a Star Wars movie

Do you have a non-gif? Looked like the crowd was like *yawn*

Tonight, Don Lemon, ever vigilant in his quest to ensure that both sides are heard

Isn't changing Lady Vols to Vols supportive of the feminist movement? That they don't have to be distinguished that everyone is a Vol? I do get that they kept the women's basketball team the Lady Vols as it is one of the most popular brands for them

her point was that NFL and NBA (predominately black sports) have min age limits (or years after high school) while MLB and NHL (predominately white) do not have high school limits.

Or they just jump to Europe/China or go on barnstorming tour and make mint.

Michele Roberts said the min. age limit for NBA players is racist (that you don't see it in baseball and hockey who have long established minor league systems). I could see a compromise (something like baseball):

would have given MASN guy props he if started putting woof in the questions

which is funny because when is the NFL played? On the "Lord's Day" where you are supposed to rest.

Read whomever you like. If you like their works, ask others for recommendations for others like them.

Used to work in baseball:

Not the woman saying "sorry"?

Finished Martian Chronicles the book before last (Childhood's End) and it was amazing! Childhood's End was okay (Superb Beginning, Eh Middle, Good ending to tie everything together)

it is always falls whenever they lose. Turn to WIP (sports talk radio station) and here that they should fold the season after every loss

Do you find fault with Super Hero movies? Norse Gods from outer space? Radiation turns you into a green monster but this is key only when you get mad?

I'm just hoping her spam mail becomes public. Imagine what will happen when "please your woman with this pill" becomes public (because there is never the opposite spam mail).

It was illegal when he did it it morally wrong is another question.