
What would have happened if the roles were reversed? That she was a Republican? And before you post the Daily Show clip, it wasn't legally wrong when Powell did it.

no one makes you take the train

Fox is doing that with some shows: The Following, 24 LAD, that murder mystery that was cancelled

then why ban hockey?

At least he didn't call sprinkles "jimmies"

In football EVERYONE lines up after the Super Bowl? If you shake hands it is just find a guy and say congrats, don't think you say good job to all 85 guys. In baseball everyone just hangs out in the dugout and runs inside the clubhouse after the World Series. With boxing and martial arts I said team.

If Kristen Schaal's character is still set on societal rules (stopping at stop signs, not parking in handicap spots), why is it okay for her to break into someone's home and set up shop? Seemed very out of character (for one episode)

I'm just tired of the bash everything DC does and OMFG it's Marvel so it must be good

Now playing

name another major sport where both teams shake hands after winning the championship? And I mean EVERYONE!

sustained brain injuries that many players sue the league for 9 figures...o wait, I thought it was the NFL

At least none of the players have had so much brain damage that they sue the league in mass or committed suicide (yet)

because up until recently they weren't under one umbrella.


But it could also be a Cowboys = bad, Patriots = god's gift to mankind that sports media likes to play

The issue with passwords is that there are so many different recommendations. Some like the sentence argument, use the letter,number,symbol, are the two most popular

Number 11. Apple can get hit with viruses too - except they aren't as popular as PC's so not worth hacker's time

$5 the kid's name (first or last) is watson

wasn't sure if it did or not...but still a very tired trope

Great another movie where the Artificial Intelligence who is supposed to save the world goes haywire and says man is destroying the world, thus it thinks it must destroy man to save it.