sproles - don't know how much longer he is under contract for though
sproles - don't know how much longer he is under contract for though
Chip Kelly is racist! No POC at QB or RB? Bet he approved of Riley Cooper for February too!
Only heard of the game series because of Honest Game Trailers (and much superior Honest Movie Trailers)
You didn't expect it when he arrived to camp early and was pretty much reprimanded? Most players who do this would be applauded, not Arod. If he arrived to camp on time, he would be yelled at for not trying to get extra work in. He is in a lose (just breathing) / lose (retiring, "quitting") situation.
From what I have heard the best strategy has nothing to do with learning and everything with motor skills - can you hit the buzzer at the right time. If you hit it beforehand you are "locked out" from the answer
RACIST! No minority character in the top 5! RACIST!
Wait you are mad they didn't include 2006? How is that misleading? The title says 2007 to 2011.
Love H.G. Wells (both his sci fi and his other novels), but no no no.
how about Crosby?
It would never worked out...Katie Nolan isn't a blonde. Really, most of the young female TV personalities at ESPN are blondes...and have the same speaking inflection - so infuriating.
It was eh. Couldn't understand any of the dialogue. Liked the ending though.
And I am sick of atheists/agnostics telling everyone how superior they are (like religious fanatics)
I thought you were going to make a Snow Dogs reference
they never failed a test though...and how about the other guys?
not a 4 hour college football game?
neither were Bonds or Clemends or Piazza or Bagwell or Palmerio (of PEDS)
(Steroid) Rage against the rules again?
to be honest forgot they had names