
Bobby finger looks like Ryan Gosling with AIDS

What’s that, making use of a system that’s around for millions of years and that’s proven to work for about as long?

You know what?

You gotta be shitting me.

You gotta be shitting me.

All for the low, low, low price of electing the most vile and unqualified candidate in US history.

Especially Houston, the sweaty asshole of the entire continent.

I guess you didn’t watch all the way through to see when he switches over to landscape!

And all of that doesn’t even matter because he filmed it in portrait.

Nobody that has ever driven in a Texas city should be surprised by this video.

Props to the cameraman. The panning views, he managed to get the fantastic Houston backdrop, the emotion of the persons involved and didn’t shake the camera once.

I don’t really understand what’s going on. I watched the trailer, and thought “Neat, I’d play that.”

C3-PO, son!

Nice? I thought it was a total dick move.

Psssh, you don't have a wife, Comic Book Guy. It's exactly as I predicted.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out

1) Comes to the comments section of a blog post that would reasonably draw fans of a show

That sucks that you can’t enjoy it, then again I’m not sure if you’re watching the same show as I am. I see the grey areas in characters and I’m not sure what’s going to happen. Maybe I’m not as good as seeing the future of the show as you and for that I’m thankful.

It must be so miserable being you.

They are both, 100% Targs. This has been “known” for years, more or less. Dany, Jon and, Tyrion are the 3 heads of the Targ dragon.

I am convinced that when the witch cut off bits of Jon Snow’s hair that was a direct wink to all of the fans who tried to predict Jon Snow’s death or survival based on how long the actors hair was off-screen.