
Right, because seeing “trippy” stuff is the only experiential aspect of taking a hallucinogen. Said nobody who has ever taken a hallucinogen.

no, it’s not. it’s pretty, but it is not “better than an acid trip”

I candyflipped at a music festival last weekend...I’m pretty sure that was way better than watching bubbles.

Cool to watch? Yeah.

Not even close. I’ll give you the name of my guy.

Obviously someone that’s never tried LSD.

Pretty sure acid is better.

Now playing

Yup, it’s overwhelming. But maybe that’s ok?

This guy (girl w/e) gets it.

DC is garbage lately and Marvel is only decent. These are where the good titles at. Start reading that isn’t recycled garbage.

Yes that indeed good... It ended in 2002.

Vertigo puts out some interesting stuff at times or at least it used to.

There are tons of comic fans that don’t touch any Marvel or DC. Not everyone is into superhero comics.

So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email

You’ll wake up one day to your home playing a free U2 album.

“And even after just missing several pedestrians, this Mustang driver still won’t check his tire pressures!”

I wish that dude would narrate my daily commute:

High speed chases generally ends poorly, that`s why most civilized nations are banning the practice.

They’re the most introspective of all the particles and waves! But they lack the raw magnetism of the Higgs Boson.