
This is hilarious! That place is right between where I live now and where I grew up. I'm half tempted to drop in and show them they're being chastised online!

For example, the 3rd gen Prelude Si 4WS? One of my favorite 80's cars. I'll never forget the first time I drove my friend's '88. Such a weird feeling when the ass end would float out but the tires would never squeak...

It's not necessarily a quirk, unless you compare it to the status quo.

One of the many things I LOVE about my Legacy!

It's a fucking car, that that man owns. If he wants to wash it in mud and go off roading with it, it's his decision.

Hopefully this works...

I just got home from a weekend with some friends who have a 1979 Century Arabian, with a marine 454 inboard. Classic boat swagger laughs at this project.

I wish I could share the feeling of the experience. The video is cool, but I was glad to be wearing sunglasses that day, it definitely brought a tear to the ol' eyes.

Hey, I'm not trying to take stabs here, I assumed you had read it somewhere and could share an interesting read. I was born and raised a Chevy guy, and I want badly to maintain my faith in GM.

Now playing

Keep it at the top. There was one at the Duluth Airshow a couple years ago when I went, flew in formation with an A10. Not my video, but my spine is tingling.

Zenvo ST-1. Very angry fish.

I like to think that jump in warbird values is based more on the fact that WWII planes are some of the most beautiful vehicles ever built.

There are 12 airworthy and 3 in restoration to become so, according to Wikipedia...

I swear if they hurt that P38 I will kill them all and all of their loved ones...

I'd love to hear where you found that information, it would completely turn my opinion! Care to share?

Re: Reverse 6;

I figured it's my duty as a Jalop to share some slightly higher resolution pics of the thing. It's all sheet metal, and it looks as much like a giant banana as it possibly could! The metalwork is perfect, the paint is perfect, even down to the touches of green at the tips!

So, I'm from Minnesota, and I'm randomly in Pennsylvania for the week for work. Bored, I ran up to Triumph Brewing in New Hope for dinner. And there, parked out front of the New Hope Arts Center, I saw it!


Oh good God... Why not just go the full 9 yards and get Nissan Leafs? Or would it be Leaves?