
Pretty sure I was way more excited than that the first time I rode my 110cc pitbike my brother bought me as a college graduation gift. I was far more excited than that the first time I drove my great uncle's Diplomat from the driveway into the garage at 14 years old.

My brother just bought a DTS, as he apparently needed something more mature and responsible looking for his new consulting job. Damn nice car, but I got in it to drive it and immediately slammed my left foot into the floorboards. No clutch pedal. Though a manual probably has no place in a plush octogenarianmobile like

That was EXACTLY how I first understood the differential.

In reference to R2: Young car buyers going foreign. [Detroit News]

I guy I know used to haul his race motorcycle on a trailer, along with all his tools, gear, and pitbike, behind his Miata. The trailer was seriously as big as his car, but it still had enough guts to pull it and stop well enough.

R7: Check Engine Light repairs? Average cost of getting the CEL to go away? Good God.

Maybe my outlook on autos is skewed, but I dove on NP for this thing, and here's why;

So, what kinda car did you drive? Obviously, you've just proudly told a story of hitting a woman, so your car probably fits the bill.

"Who says the word 'hybrid' has to mean boring?"

In case of Nibbles...

100 lbs lighter? ~$80k more?

He parked on a lawn? Fo realz yo?

Death penalty, all around.

I nearly pissed myself! AWESOME!

I'll say to scrap that black plastic shit along the bed / over the cab. It looks REALLY cheesy when it's sunfaded and gray.

Something you may learn about the internet is this; It doesn't need to be good to be funny. Personally, I love Clarkson, but I still think it's funny.

Fun and practical make a wonderful pair, and the facelift on the SS was a drastic improvement over the base model's cheap chrome face.

I'm just gonna lay it down. There's gotta be someone else out there who's thinking it, so I'm gonna say it.

Every time I hear "kit car", the first thing that pops into my head is the Blakely Bearcat. When I was a young guy, I read a Gary Paulsen book called "The Car". For lack of rambling, the story is about a 14 year old kid whose parents both leave, expecting the other to stay with the kid. He's left on his own, with