
Holy shit if this thing was anywhere near me here in Minnesota I’d take the day off work to buy it with cash.

Look at the current used car market, and consider the rarity of a reasonably quick manual AWD wagon and a decent interior. There aren’t a ton of us out there who want those things, but there definitely aren’t enough of them out there for all of us. Shit I’m considering buying this and I live in Minnesota.

I’m currently living with my Mazda 3 hatchback, and it’s going to be the smallest car I ever daily. It’s a 2016 i GT manual I bought new, and I’ve had ~93k miles to think about it. When I’m alone, I love it. I’m 5'11" so it’s more like a 3 or 2 seat car, depending on who rides with me. If I go golfing or hunting, I

I have ALWAYS wanted a ‘79 Trans Am, specifically because I liked the newer front end but I’d need the 400 v8. I know they’re malaise era GM that rust if you look at them too hard. I know they probably ride and handle like wet spaghetti. I know they’re shitty cars and I don’t care. I love them and I want one.

Exactly the same. One of my first cars was my dad’s ‘82 z28, with that same stupid 305 / quadrajet combo with the drastically inadequate TH200 time bomb. I loved it, and I’m not ashamed to say I wept like a baby the day an old fart turned left in front of me and totaled it.

I’ve been riding Honda ATCs since I was old enough to reach the footpegs, and I’m not dead yet. We still have three of them at the family cabin.

That concept design reminds me of the Saiga antelope.

Minnesota, 1998. Driver’s License test, complete with 3-4" of fresh powdery snow.
Back then, behind the wheel license exams were booked out a matter of months, so it wasn’t like I could go back on a clear day. I drove there with my mom, waited my turn, and was paired with my examiner lady. We pulled into the starting

There is nothing more dangerous and frightening than a distracted driver, and drivers are allowing themselves to be more and more distracted by the day. The numbers of people I see blatantly screwing with their phones while driving is soul crushing. Hopefully only souls, and not bodies in the crashes they cause.

Lifetime Minnesotan here. I’m convinced if my ‘16 Mazda 3 had a limited slip differential it’d be a fine winter car. With its open diff, even on Hakkapeliitta R3s, it’s one of the worst I’ve had. Honestly, if someone sold an LSD conversion for my car, I’d buy it in a heartbeat. Literally the only complaint I have with

Considering how many options there are for manual AWD hatchbacks with a halfass decent interior space and performance here in the good ol’ US of Crossovers, it’d be about the only option to check most of my boxes.

Do a search for “WRX Hatchback” and look at the articles that pop up. Sure seems like a lot of them griping about how Subaru won’t make a fun wagon or hatchback, considering there’s only dozens of us.

Dear Subaru,

For a good chunk of my high school time, I did drive a car from my birth year. My dad’s 1982 Z28 Camaro. White with T tops. It was a California transplant in Minnesota, so it had Cali emissions gear. 305 with a Quadrajet carb. TH200 3-speed automatic. It might have been the slowest Z28 ever made, but I didn’t care. I

I’m willing to bet that the “upgraded stereo” package in damn near any new car is significantly more expensive than this head unit.

Your lungs are filled with rust dust and we all know it. Also, none of those vehicles are airtight enough to prevent fresh air from getting in anyway.

I’m just sitting here praying they’ll mate that engine with a manual transmission...

No T-Tops? No chance.

On behalf of my fellow beer dorks who’d hate to waste a fancy beer on a recipe that might not turn out. Any ideas or recommendations of what types of beer might work better, or not work at all?

On behalf of my fellow beer dorks who’d hate to waste a fancy beer on a recipe that might not turn out. Any ideas or

I wonder if they’ll ever make another WRX hatchback. Sure would be nice...