
Can you vape crack?  Because this car would be perfect for a crack vape-pen. 

People who recline are monsters. Full stop. 

An STI engine swap would, of course, be neat but I’m just happy with the blue lighting if I’m honest.

Have they mentioned what the annual fee will be to unlock the shifter?  Can I pay a flat rate at purchase to keep the shifter unlocked?

RIP, Davey. Thanks for everything.

Hey, I left my wallet in El Segundo! It must’ve been back in 1990. Me and two of my buddies drove all the way from Brooklyn on a cross-country road trip in a ‘74 Dodge Dart, and only once we got back home did I realize that I forgot it!

Pressing the clutch pedal in with your left foot, while simultaneously moving a gear lever with your right/left hand is the only description of a manual transmission that I will accept.

I just got my first WRX a few months ago and this is one of the first times since I was a kid waiting for Christmas that I'm actually excited for winter. From what I hear it should be a blast to hoon around. :)

Minnesota has a ton. Especially the Duluth area. I've had my Subie for 5 years, it's my first one. I'm having a VERY hard time finding anything to replace it that's not also a Subaru. That car with dedicated snow tires and a true manual is light years ahead of any other car I've had for snow driving.

I'm with you. People who have no business parking in a handicap spot, yet park there anyway (whether or not you own a Ferrari) get no sympathy from me.