
As the mom of a 6-year old fully vaccinated child, I can think of few things more horrifying than nursing your child through an illness and then helplessly watch as that child dies instantly. I am shaken. I was nervous for each vaccine, I won't lie: I don't even like the annual flu shot. Introducing new things to her

I can see this - kind of the way a group of my friends used to call another kid "gay" as an insult (the late 80's) even though we had no knowledge of what it meant or why it might be an ugly thing to say. Then my parents heard and had a huge talk with me about why I was all wrong about everything. That people are

My husband and I were talking about this yesterday because our daughter, who is 6, lacks the language to talk about people of different backgrounds even though she is surrounded by diversity. She was talking about her gymnastic coaches, all men, two of whom are Latin American, one is black, one is white. She said "the

Your reply makes no sense.

You are missing the point. The Civil Rigjts movement is taught with a judgmental lens. The South was bad all around: whites were deplorable human beings and blacks needed to be saved because, as Southerners, they couldn't do it themselves. So the Northerners got on busses and saved the country. The presentation

Wow. How is this left out of the commonly taught US History lessons?

I consider myself pretty terrible at coming up with passwords, but all of mine are better than these.

It gets better or worse, depending on your point of view. Now we do glitter art, which basically involves me allowing her to throw glitter into the air and hope it sticks on the glue. I'll do just about anything for that laugh.

Honestly, this just seems like my every day. I open my door and an met with an explosion of glitter: she's like a little glitter PigPen with a cloud of pink and purple and teal and silver sparkles around her constantly.

Or I could send it to every little girl as the BEST GIFT EVER!

I think the playoff system is going to work just fine. It's a playoff system - what is there to NOT WORK? But I don't think it's going to make me magically care about conferences I don't already care about (an argument *for* the playoffs I've heard in the past, and a completely silly one).

I was eligible for an upgrade when I went in because my 5S took a swim thanks in part to an eager 5-year-old who wanted to listen to Taylor Swift in the bath. The people in the Apple store looked at me like I had 18 heads when I insisted on sticking with the 5S instead of getting the 6. I love my 5S, we have a great

As a woman from Mississippi, I hate that this drunken, milk slamming, tantrum-having girl is now a representation of my state. As a LSU fan: hahahahahahahahaha. Damn right, girly girl. And, Robert, hero of this video, you are awesome with the taunts.

Fascinating. I feel definitely in part you could be baiting, but I'll bite on the off chance you aren't. What made you leave?

Curious, right? I have several friends who use fake names. Obviously fake names, not stage names or let-me-hide-from-a-stalker names.

I had forgotten about them. You want to say "what a horrible thing," but then you think "at least they found each other" These people must have been lost and searching for something. Better, it seems, to have lived in what seems like a peaceful, albeit biazzarre, tight-knit community for 20-plus years than wandering

Holy Moly. That's embarrassing.

Two main points/questions:

To be fair, the legitimate mayor tragically died in office. This election is a shit-show of crazy. However, we do have three actual candidates who are same and qualified and not laugh-inducing. This lady, though. You're welcome, America. Know we are all laughing with you on this one.

I think you need to conflate the Southern Bro with the DC Bro. Sorry. The Bro-type in the South love their Vineyard Vine pants (and polos and hats!) And croakies. God help us with the damn croakies. No self-respecting Bro drinks SoCo, that's for the ladies, silly. Bros drink Wild Turkey or Scotch or locally brewed