
Wow. You really don't understand what you said, do you?

Your comment insinuates that "average tv viewers" don't read books. You didn't specify GoT. We can guess what you mean, but you weren't clear.

Because people who watch the show without reading the series are average viewers? You reject the notion that perhaps these people just read other books?? I never had an intention of liking this show - it's far outside the scope of what I enjoy. But I was in the room while the hubby watched and after a few episodes I

Thank you. The thing that gets me, and sort of proves the character of the people who make these comments. Why not just say: "wow, that sucks." Or "we've been there, we feel you." People are jerks. We had shit weather that we were unprepared for (kind of like they get every once in a while - but God forbid they need

I don't know statistics, but I kind of agree. I want to teach my kid to be aware of herself everywhere: look both ways before you cross the street, don't get in a car with someone you don't know, don't stand too close to the fire, only play "kid" shows on Netflix, only let doctors or mommy or daddy see your private

I don't know statistics, but I kind of agree. I want to teach my kid to be aware of herself everywhere: look both ways before you cross the street, don't get in a car with someone you don't know, don't stand too close to the fire, only play "kid" shows on Netflix, only let doctors or mommy or daddy see your private

Or, to save time, hop a flight to New Orleans. Get in line for Felix's. Grab a seat at the bar. Order a dozen (trust me, you'll devour every last one). Order a seasonal Abita. Grab the closest bottle of Louisiana Hot Sauce. Call yourself done.

Living in MS, I am actually not unconcerned with this law: one less thing to worry about explaining to the kid!

My guess is she's talking to her little boy and that she may have a daughter in the house. Here's why: berry-kins are the tiny berry characters in Strawberry Shortcake. And she refers to him as Carebear, the beloved 80's character that has been recently returned to toddlers everywhere.

My 4-year-old was intrigued by the number 2 story of demons to drowning pigs story when she learned of it in school earlier this year. I had forgotten the story and was baffled as to why THIS was what they opted to teach my preschooler. But she loved it and they are ultimately teaching love and acceptance, so ok.

First they came for the chocolate and I said "eh, I could do a salty snack."
Then they came for the wine and I said "but how will I properly enjoy Scandal without these two delicacies?"

Can we see this list with beer?

Google is helping save lots of relationships today. "I don't her, I swear! Google said it's been sending these messages to all the wrong people!" Suuurrre.