
Love everything you wrote! Thank you!

No. Absolutely no shit. Ever again.

“You Are Not Your Meat.”

I lean more towards Bernie but I think the complaint that Hillary isn’t feminist or liberal or whatever is BS. (FYI, I too am a non-white woman) I wish other Bernie supporters would take a page from Bernie’s book and stop with these stupid attacks and be respectful of his opponent. And also, stop posting bullshit

Oh for god’s sake, go ahead and support Bernie or whomever you want to, that’s your right, but lay off the Hillary is a racist who only supports white women mantra or only white women support Hillary nonsense. I’m not white and I’m supporting Hillary because I think she can win and I’m not buying the Bernie

Now playing

I just love any hint of an excuse to share my favorite ad for feminine products, so:

Back and forth. Forever.

This is the Southern Cross.

Here in Mississippi, we’re talking about getting it off of our state flag (the only state to still have it) in our state legislature. It’s a goddamn miracle.

It shouldn’t be on federal/state land though, sorry. Have it at home.

The most insight I have gotten out of this article is that this Charles Farrell guy seems like an insufferable asshole.

I have gotten countless vaginal ultrasounds in the last 3 years, and not once have they EVER had to “sexually stimulate” me in order to get the scan. Like, at all. Like AT ALL. It would go right in, without anything inappropriate or awkward, beyond me apologizing that my body is always like, “haha no not again” and

Yes, we can be friends! Our kids sound very similar! Thanks for your kind words :)

Are there any complaints about Lenny Kravitz being criminally underused? "Fly Away" is better than anything Katy Perry or Missy Elliott song. #hottake

The problem is that's not what happens. The judgmental attitude creates its own biases and prejudices instead. The South is a very convenient enemy to create that in the mind of non-South white people absolves them of the sins of racial tension in this country. "They're the intolerant ones - we did nothing wrong."

My daughter can't even walk or speak yet, but even she's had glitter all over everything since she was born.

You clearly are not the parent of girls. Trust me on this one.

Someone hottied in their toddys.

Sorry Samer this should be filed to Reauxmance actually.

That must have been a crazy bachelor party, I mean, Bill Murray shows up and apparently a drunk pigeon shows up to film it...