
Well I’ve seen the news *now*

No. But what did they do?? Now I will be the first to say Lochte is an ass, but I just don't know that lying is a crime (I have seen no news today, if something new happened, I am unaware)

Exactly - what would they be covering up when nobody was talking about them? And so what if their stories are conflicting: they were probably drinking. I really don’t understand the need for stripping passports from Olympic athletes. Maybe I’ll be proven wrong?

He would never do this, you’re right. Because he is lacking that thing in his brain that makes him human and humane. I know very little about Tim Kaine and his wife, but they seem like good people (I would normally find out more about them, but who are we kidding? They are on the ticket that gets my vote). She is

What does she eat besides bananas? Anything? Because I usually put a banana in my cereal, and if it’s a sizable one, I have trouble finishing the bowl. Of course, I’m hungry by 11 so I’ll grab a snack a non-crazy person would eat - anything other than another banana.

How does this comment have so many stars? You cannot possibly know what the world lost - in the least their families lost them, which is monumental. A police record does not erase from someone the ability to have a full and amazing life that contributes to society and the world.

“Hi, I’m Barbie. What’s up?”

I don’t care about any of the football things in this article. But look at the little girl on the float. That poor kid. She is on a float at Disney with Mickey Mouse and she looks miserable, clinging to the railing like prison gate locked for life.

Two things:

Is my true love’s nickname “goat” and four times a year he sleeps in a barn after not shaving for a week? Because then ok. Otherwise, no. Heartbreak is the stuff of great art, physiological trauma is the stuff of confinement.

When my daughter was in kindergarten, she came home saying “boys tinkle standing up with their weewees out like this” (she demonstrated) “yep” I said “how do you know that?” “Because Bobby tinkled in the sink today. He got in trouble.”

Under the glitter and paint, Bowie was a man and susceptible to the times and culture in which he lived. That’s the thing about the gods we make: they are just humans whose flesh and blood shimmer a little brighter than ours. They are fallible and when the sheen wears off, the flaws begin to show. But Bowie was

You aren't alone.

Some white people. Some white people. Others rather enjoyed both the halftime performance and the song. The video is a little raw for me coming from New Orleans but otherwise no issues with it. Beyoncé is a goddess, always will be. Kerry Washington is sublime, always will be. So please let’s correct the narrative.

Don’t hate yourself. The dress is awesome. I think, in another world, Nancy and Michelle would be total besties.

Absolutely agree with you on all points. I remember my first and only pantsuit — a gorgeous Nanette Lapore number I couldn’t afford (it was 2008) but I needed it for an interview, which I totally rocked because of the suit, of course. It would be awesome if local designers would give cool, well-fitted suits to female

I agree that candidates spend a ton of time in Iowa and that it cannot a benchmark for the entire country. However, Sanders and his campaign people have spent a decent amount of time in MS already, making smart stops at HBCU campuses. I would assume he made similar stops at other places in other states. Clinton has

Not to pick even further at her lack of logic, but Bernie’s cool comes from his age, his irreverent nature, his spoken word album from the ‘60s, his “I’ve been here the whole fucking time, I know I am doing” attitude (which is true), his ability to be funny and poke fun at himself and his age. But how could she

Let’s not find reasons to get angry so early in the year. We can reasonably argue that the face of the Hunger Games may have been different had she had a child, but who knows for sure (realizing full well she has made much better movies)? Chickadee is a strong woman and strong advocate for women. Let her be proud of