Why no Turbo X? That has 3-spoke wheels which is well known to be the correct number of spokes.
Why no Turbo X? That has 3-spoke wheels which is well known to be the correct number of spokes.
To be honest, I’m not sure who can afford to buy new cars anymore. The prices on almost everything borders on ridiculous. My wife and I both make healthy salaries and I can’t imagine spending 40+k on a new car. We’re lucky enough to have a pretty cheap lease deal for her car, but it’s a small CUV and we’re both happy…
The overall look is a massive improvement, but that panel fitment is horrid!
The old AMV8 is the biggest argument over any new Aston. I just can’t get past the styling! I’d rather have the old one, and use the (rather large) chunk of change saved to keep it running.
If you go for the gravel kings, make sure you get the “plus” tire casing for the extra puncture protection. It makes a HUGE difference riding in the city when you can’t always dodge every piece of glass.
With that number of miles and all the exterior damage, I wouldn’t pay a dime over $2500. Sorry pal! I like E46es, but not that much.
I really want an E21 323.
2020, must you ruin EVERYTHING?
I never knew you could escalate to a supervisor, but I’ve never had an issue either. I’m typically crossing through while traveling from MI to NY, but that was in the before-times. Sigh.
Counterpoint: wide angle lenses are PERFECT for capturing vehicle interiors.
Awesome blue! I always liked the look of those 2nd gen Sonetts. Especially with the soccer ball wheels!
more about that V4 Sonett please!
I wonder if that’s one of them?
Always good for a laugh. What season/episode was that from? I can’t remember that one.
I owned a 2005 MCS for 8 years and 150k miles (was 80k when I bought it), every bit of this is true!
It always drove me nuts how in the mid 90s, everybody and their mother was advertising these new fangled ANTI-LOCK BRAKES on their back windows, badges, even on wheel center caps.
and a horribly photoshopped out of perspective image.
and a horribly photoshopped out of perspective image.
“If there is anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us, it’s that a male model’s life is a precious, precious commodity. Just because we have chiseled abs and stunning features, it doesn’t mean that we too can’t not die in a freak gasoline fight accident.”