
Sorry, this car has a conventional mechanical shifter. This is 100% driver error. Dunno if this was a medical emergency or just ineptitude but it shouldn’t have happened.

Definitely no way this will ever go wrong. Not one.

The front could be promising but the rear is an absolute mess... at least it doesn’t have the beaver-tooth grille from the new 4 series.

Kias are much cleaner and downright nice looking these days. Unfortunately most BMWs are not.

I’ll agree with you that the 6 GC looks pretty fantastic. The 5 series and 1+2 of that era are quite nice as well. A lot of their newer stuff is pretty underwhelming though, and some of it is just willfully ugly.

Completely agreed. But I am a bit biased.

While I think it’s great they’re offering this, I can’t see why the price is so astronomically high, particularly for the double-DIN. Especially since the Sony XAV AX100 exists... It’s nearly the same factory look for 1/4 the price.

best episode. ever.

Definitely saw that and thought, “No, I must be crazy...”

Bot / AI comment?

When I was in college I lived on a street where EVERYONE had their car broken into at some point. It sucks to wake up in the morning to find broken glass everywhere, and even worse trying to clean it out. My car sat unlocked with the interior looking as if it just rolled out of the factory and I never had an issue.

Detroiter chiming in here. What you see there is the remnants of the snow we had last saturday morning, which was 5-8". The snow quickly changed to rain for about 4 hours, compacting it and turning it into ice. All of our side streets where people street park their cars are currently full of little berms that look

same boat for me, the commute sure sucked today!

exactly! What about closing somebody’s fuel filler door that’s ajar? Same category IMO.

Actually that’s not illegal at all. It is in fact quite legal!

Motor1 has been guilty of posting some pretty craptastic fan renderings lately too. Pretty sad, seeing as they used to be a great source of news back in the worldcarfans days.

Reverse: You fool!

Came here to post the exact same gif haha

Sorry, but this is hardly the work of criminal masterminds... judging by the pic of the crashed truck / ATM, it looks more like a case of “Hey, let’s just try bashing it to see if we can get the cash out.” As for how they got the keys, I wonder what are the chances they were left sitting in the trucks?