

The answer, of course, is anything without a modern infotainment system that can run Apple CarPlay / Android Auto.

Seriously. I scrubbed almost the entire video, found the part in question, then skipped the rest out of boredom. Gah. 

Nice E46!

Why do the speedsters always look fat and dumb?

“In fact, if all the cars and trucks were moving at the average speed of traffic, I doubt at this particular point in time it would be much higher than 15 mph, because it’s rush hour, and rush hour sucks.”

COTD for sure!

Or, if you live near the US/Canadian border, apply for Nexus for $50, get Pre Check and Global Entry with it for free!

Good god those wheels must be ginormous. I’d hate to see what they look like after meeting a moderate-sized mid-western pothole.

This is definitely incorrect.

Damnit Kinja

To add to your point, glazing with a slight blue or green tint is even more awesome

Damnit. Now I need one of those!

Get a Sony XAV-AX100. I’ve been using one for two years and LOVE it. And it looks pretty factory to boot, unlike that faux-alienware crap Pioneer and the others are selling. Plus, Carplay / Android Auto are fantastic.

My general rule is this: one car payment, one (fun) car paid off. Works pretty well so far.

I see your purple porsche and raise you a purple bike. Because bikes is cars too.

Why on earth is it so ugly?

Of course this happened in Taylor-tucky.

Base Civic hatchback? Surely that has more fake vents.

The corvette is the correct answer.