Yeah, but also, they’re free over the air. Even for netflix/hulu/etc you need adequate internet service, which is hard to get in some areas and is minimum $50/mo around here. it would it be great for these networks to just do better
Yeah, but also, they’re free over the air. Even for netflix/hulu/etc you need adequate internet service, which is hard to get in some areas and is minimum $50/mo around here. it would it be great for these networks to just do better
Many white execs give stupid excuses like, “I wouldn’t be able to do justice to a ____ character because I might accidentally write something offensive!” Ugh. Just write her/him as a freakin’ person. And if you’re afraid of being offensive, then how about hiring some people from underrepresented backgrounds who can…
They had white guys with blond hair, and white guys with brown hair and white guys with black hair! They had white guys who were from NYC and white guys from LA! They had white guys who sported 3 days of stubble and white guys who only sported one day of stubble! They had white guys who were protestant and white guys…
All they literally have to do is cast non-white people in roles. They don’t have to “BE LATINO” or “BE ASIAN”—they can just “BE GOOD ACTORS” that happen to be non-white. CBS fucking sucks.
Based on the current hot new trend in corporate america of expecting all their employees to come pre-trained so they don’t have to have a training budget, they probably hired him because he had previous security guard experience. If said experience was occupying a security desk at an office building he could have gone…
I have never seen any of the administration’s spokespersons explain the electoral victory by D.Trump without them referring to the election as one that D.Trump won, ‘fair and square’ appended to their remark. ‘He won the election fair and square’. ‘Russsia meddled in the election, but they did not change any votes.’.…
Jebus H Christ. You guys, dafuq!?
Some of the most powerful men in the world just got tricked into corresponding with a troll because they didn’t verify a fucking email address. Our computer security is a joke thanks to incompetent politicians and demanding back doors into everything.
“...weren’t being denied the right to vote.”
People admitted that they went to the protest even though they voted for Trump.
The signal has been put out. #notallwhitewomen are here to prove to us why they can’t be trusted.
Girl i’m here i’m ready who we fightin
First, Fuck Chelsea Handler and her inability to actually put effort into the way she speaks.
I know what you meant.
As someone who loves their locally owned hardware store that pisses me off more than words can say.
fun fact: most of the jersey shore kids were neither Italian nor from jersey
He’s a fucking 50 year old man.
Yeah, if he really thinks that his parents and grandparents were all white, then I’m thinking mama Tirico may have been lying about what she was doing all those nights she was supposedly going out to her ‘Bridge Club’.
His responses are what one says in youth when they are told one thing about their race but other folk can clearly see what they refuse to see and what their family won’t tell them.
Either there was a Moor in lineage or somebody was cheating on the other.