
But that whole quote still proves it is quite simple. All of those things come back to racism and white supremacy. Weather it is slight or egregious. Hate, power, white supremacy, stupidity....... all combines into racism. And whites choose that path every day or they choose another. It is simple. You give them

Could’t have said it any better myself. Thank you.

Not too many real NYErs here. I LOVE the subway. It is fast, relatively cheap and amazing! Rush hour sucks but other than that it gets you around The City quickly and easily. I love watching and listening to all the different people and languages. I love the fact I can go from my Harlem brownstone, with my

I LOVE you! You always make me laugh. I especially liked the line about Venus. Brava!

I understand and I always love your responses. You inspire me to contribute more myself. Thanks.

The same thing happened to me at my “cash flow” job at a library a few years ago. The men I got promoted over wouldn’t speak to me for a month. While my performance reviews were all stellar, my two white, female supervisors pulled me aside to tell me I was working too hard and at the same time, not working hard

What I usually say to “open-minded, fair white people”, usually just younger people, is to just try to remember that every day when you leave your home, you are treated as a privileged person. In almost every interaction you have in this world, you as a white person are assumed to be an articulate American deserving

Regardless of your color this IS a forum for you and everyone, but especially people like you who “get it” or who are trying to learn and grow. Don’t despair. Those of us who deal with this shit every day of our lives recognize that things are no worse than before November. It is just that the spotlights are on

This bigoted idiot does not even realize that one of the First Nations in the world to adopt Christianity was Ethiopia. He should have watched Gates’ PBS special on Africas Great Civilizations last week.

You will really like it. The movie is so good I might go see it again this week.

THANK YOU! I completely agree with you. Bruno was great but where was The Revolution? And there should have been at least three Prince songs performed. I did not want to hear The Time songs.

Thank you. You are right. Unfortunately too many US Americans are so poorly educated about the horrible things the US government has done internationally. Most Americans are spoiled lazy sheep.   We have been voting for a Trump Presidency since Reagan if not before. It is what we deserve. Hypocrisy has a funny

Thank you! I have had to do the same with friends of my Peruvian relatives AND with my barely black, Creole Grandmother, along with my Irish “sisters” and occasional white co-workers. It is hard to stand up to people you are close to and especially brave to speak up to someone you love.

I just wanted you to know that the thank you I wrote to Roo applies equally to you too. Brilliant! Thanks,

Thank you for all of your brilliant, articulate arguments. I have read everything and felt no need to jump in because you are perfectly on point. I am a Creole/West Indian Black girl who grew up among mostly white folks. We are TIRED of explaining and being nice. I have cut many close, white, women friends out of