
I’m crossing my fingers that Barron turns into the Ron Reagan, Jr. of the family.

Because the all have so far? No one in the Trump family is not a piece of trash in someway.

Why do I feel like all the Trump kids are going to grow up to be monsters

Agree totally. Aside from being an abject failure as a businessman, (I live in NJ, so I know all about his failed casino ventures) he has no finesse, can’t read social cues, or ignores them if he does, and is a complete and pernicious disaster diplomatically.

I was referring more to the picture of him with the leader of China.

You can be positive that Xi Jinping, Shinzo Abe and numerous other leaders will be coached by the best profilers money can buy, before they sit down with the President of the United States. They’ll have a detailed psych profile of Trump worked up and kept up to date. They probably hold some mock negotiations with

I’m surprised Ivanka let her walk that close behind her. I would think they would mandate the help had to stay out of photo range.

Make no mistake. That outfit is mandated by the Trump family. It’s to keep “servants” in line and to remind them that while they may be close to power, they are merely staff.

JK never described HG’s complexion/skin tone in the books. It was left to the reader to interpret/imagine it on their own.

So Hermione was basically black in the books but they made her white in the movies? Didn’t Chris Columbus produce the first Harry Potter movie? Yeah, that seems about right.

While reading Rowling’s famous series, I always took Hermione’s curly hair, ancestry and bouts of intelligent sass as signs that she was, no doubt, a sister who, in her free time, could be found leading Hogwarts’ Black Student Union meetings, organizing #WeTooAreHogwarts movements and resisting pure-blood supremacy

You hit the nail on the head.

That’s not true. Black folks and Asian folks totally exist, they are the exotic denizens of the exotic locales that the White folks get to mess with as part of their adventure; and that is far worse than simple erasure.

Pretty much this.

For white people their fantasy world doesn’t have black people. When they imagine their perfect escapist fantasy we just don’t exist.

I’d rather light myself on fire before I’d live in the US

It happened to me, many a year ago. I was serving an American couple and got to chatting with them, they told me that with my customer service skills and education I could make sooooooo much more money in the States. Which...was nice, I guess? They meant to compliment me? Then they left a shitty tip and went their

This man is stalking his own daughter. This definitely violates a restraining order. Sending many many gifts to her school? A fucking banner across the sky? “JUST A REMINDER I’M HERE. There’s nothing I would not do to get to you, kid.”

Total emotional blackmail. The child likely feels guilty as hell, now, for simply telling the truth. And that’s obviously his endgame.