Maxine Waters is the only one who comes close for me, now that Ann Richards is gone. So, I feel your pain.
Maxine Waters is the only one who comes close for me, now that Ann Richards is gone. So, I feel your pain.
When I was a teen, John Malkovich was way younger but still would’ve skeeved me out so badly. Now? Good god. There is ZERO believability in this film. But I’d just love a film with Meryl Streep (who is way better looking than JM) dates the minor son of a friend. Naturally, the son is so in love with her. I’m sure it…
I feel like this would only be redeemed if the movie were moved to Japan, and Chloe Grace Moretz character is played by an average 55-year-old woman who is set on taking over the yakuza. She murders the Malkovich yakuza boss, takes over, and installs the Louis CK character as an underling below his previous status…
It’s such BS. I want to see this film from the view of a woman.... I know a lot of Jez readers like CK but after this Weinstein shit.... I trust NO MAN in the business... I just don’t.
She has contempt for everyone except the rich racist powerbrokers she sucks up to for fame and money.
Yea, but you know what? There are simply issues that do not have “other sides” to it. If her boss at FOX tells her to defend a Nazi because the orange turnip couldn’t denounce them, she has to say “Fuck no! Are you crazy?”
She got this ridiculous pass because Trump was mean to her, despite the fact that she built her career being a racist woman hating banshee. What other awful mythological creatures can we refer to her as?
whatever bro. I call her a racist because she is one, not because i think it will hurt her feelings.
It’s failing because she clearly doesn’t believe anything she’s saying on doing. It’s such a cynical attempt at being relatable, human and not a racist shitbag.
She was only there to capitalize on Fox News’ slipping connections in the Trump era, along with Greta van Susteren. They went all in to prove that the Left isn’t what people wanted, so they infused the Right in and are trying to normalize it with a morning show by pushing out veterans and no one can choke it down.
Yeah, it seems fairly obvious that once she gets out of her Fox News bubble, she is totally unable to interact with others or even to display vaguely human mannerisms.
This woman can’t go away quickly enough. No idea why so many of her so-called peers are giving her so much slack. She’s bad and a bad person.
My God, the grays! More salt than the dead sea down there.
Read an article that highlighted something interesting. A white woman posted on her Twitter account that Rose ignored ten different tweets, from Black women, about the offense. But after having a few white women tweet the same thing, she erased the tweet.
I like this alternative take on the topic, but I have to say I strongly disagree. The Union isn’t limited to the expanse between its North American borders. It stretches across the globe to several territories it has maintained and acquired directly through the same Imperialism we often criticize Europe for. It’s an…
Black people built this country. Not like everyone else. More than everyone else. For free.
I’ll concede every point in this post. Even the points that I gave a little side-eye to were more about the intrinsic value of the value rather than its validity.
How dare you make me emotional like this in the middle of the day.
The fact that we still try to find solutions to the myriad problems we face within the system is all the evidence you need. Black people are treated like insurgents despite not acting like them. An appropriate reaction to centuries-long racism isn’t civil disobedience, it’s armed rebellion. But we don’t do that,…