In summary... a cop can say “there were reports of [ something bad]” “you match the description of [bad person],” or “I feared for my life,” and do just about anything they want.
In summary... a cop can say “there were reports of [ something bad]” “you match the description of [bad person],” or “I feared for my life,” and do just about anything they want.
One of my favourite things to do is call rude, ignorant white people “nigger,” straight to their face. The look on their face, their brain freezes, you flip their whole world upside down. Then they fight reverse racism with saying “[They aren’t] a nigger, but YOU are!” It’s priceless.
How far in the wrong does a cop have to be to tuck his tail like that?! Didn’t bow up or turn into a tough guy barking orders, just shut the door and started walking towards back up. This motherfucker knows he fucked up.
On Friday morning, a video was floating around cyberspace in which a plainclothes police officer in New Jersey was…
Special prosecutor Patricia Brown Holmes, who indicted three Chicago police officers on charges that they covered up…
This week I learned that Donald Trump Jr. earned his name fair and square and tweets just like his daddy! And it’s a…
Sad news for the natural-hair community and everyone else touched by her work: Meechy Monroe, who became well-known…
I know the review mentions that there is a woman who is fat and bulimic, but I really do wish ED stories wouldn’t seemingly always focus on the story of a woman who gets unhealthily thin, then gets help. I feel like it almost implies that, if you’re not below your healthy BMI range, you’re not really that sick (and,…
A 32-year-old father who is trying to get back on his feet after a prison stint passed up on a long-awaited job…
American popular culture is full of examples of insulting characters made to “look” or “sound” black even when they are ostensibly something else. Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars, Skids and Mudflap from Transformers, Ben Carson.
My eyes can only roll so far to the left.
Girl, sit your no-singing, proto-Britney, Skeletor-lookin’ ass down.
From the Greys
The NRA did this because gun sales dropped after Cheetolini won. They need to scare whites and self hating blacks into buying some fucking guns before black liberal monsters “riot”.
The fuck? How did you get “I hate biracial people” from a simple request for non-white men-creatives to stop erasing brown women and a reminder that “interracial relationship” doesn’t mean exclusively <insert non-white race/ethnicity here>+white? Stop making something that’s not about you about you. -Offspring of a…
Thank you! It’s not interracial relationships, it’s that the show perpetuates the narrative that White women are top draw. Real life or not, let’s not lie to ourselves and act like POC haven’t been fed this narrative our entire lives.
I don’t hate biracial people. Im just sick of women of color getting left behind, set aside overlook hell just never the one.
I, as an adult woman with no kids, am going with my other adult woman friend withOUT her kids to a waterpark tomorrow. We will be smuggling in sangria and snacks. Then after that camping and river floating for the next 3 days!
Hermit-ing with Netflix.