
Well, thank you for saying that, this is still the type of forum that I’m more likely to hold my tongue and listen than to speak up... it’s a good experiment in challenging my privilege! I’m on Jezebel a lot, and there are always dudes around that really need to shut up and read and THINK before they just spew their

That is such a lovely thing to say!

“You don’t get to punch people in the mouth and tell them whether or not they should bleed.”

Shaking his head while Johnson was talking (and no one told HIM not to!), “well, who are YOU to say what’s racist?” (uhhhh he’s a black scholar on race issues, like that’s his whole deal dude), calling out April Ryan HERSELF as his black friend/shield against accusations of racism. Infuriating.

Schlapp yelled at, turned his back on and interrupted Johnson for the same reason Spicer reprimanded Ryan: because Spicer and Schlapp can’t bear to hear anyone contradict their lies. Spicer is apt to get plum-faced and confrontational with anyone, as is Schapp—but the disrespect of Johnson and Ryan is indicative

The body language of Schlapp alone - slightly turned away from Johnson - is telling enough. It’s disgusting.

This, tbh. I watched the first Chappelle special and the only joke I had a problem with was the Cosby “he rapes but he saves!” bit.

Exactly. As I’ve said before, those who bemoan “PC” culture want to be able to insult/demean others and not be called out on their shit.

pc is actually an attempt by people to be decent human beings.

I mean Seinfeld does have a point - he is just the worst possible person to make it (I am biased as a person who likes neither his show nor his standup) - and the whole “political correctness” becoming a conservative dog whistle for sanctioning racism/misogyny etc. doesn’t help at all.

Of course the vast majority of

But they want to get paid NOW! Or in the case of some of these middle aged guys, they want more money and relevance, with a chance to creep on college women, especially Seinfeld considering his particular predilections.

They are soft today. All the greats are long since dead and what we have left is middling. There are some good ones out there, but far too many middle aged performers feel they are entitled to an audience, adulation, and money. They have lost touch and instead of recognizing that shit changes, like Carlin did, they

I love this Simpson meme.

They become the cliched stereotyped that they made fun of when they were younger. George Carlin was self-aware enough to keep his act fresh because it never relied on shitting on young people just for being different. Instead of coming up with new material or something that connects with young people, they complain

Mr Wilson is Flipping in his grave.

Try not to let my stalker Thrumbolio bother you. He likes to follow me to any conversation I have on kinja for some reason.

What’s not funny is punching down. Article example: Tracey Morgan saying he’d stab his kid if he were gay.

Agreed. PC is generally just another way of saying “Either agree with me or don’t confront me on it.” Which is bullshit.

I haven’t watched the special. I’m debating in my head on whether to watch it.