After Republicans failed to gather enough votes to pass Trumpcare on Friday, a survey from the Pew Research Center…
After Republicans failed to gather enough votes to pass Trumpcare on Friday, a survey from the Pew Research Center…
Ugh. The non-black person putting on an African-American accent for fun and profit just drives me nuts. It’s like this woman I know who travels to Ireland maybe one or two weeks a year and loves to put on the accent in front of every Irish person she meets. You can see the “please no” in their eyes.
Oprah has a lot to answer for unleashing Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz on us.
“... contract which specifically states no “elected official of the Government of the United States … shall be admitted to any share or part of this Lease, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom.”
May I ask what service you used? I always imagined they trace genes back to a larger pool or continent. TRinidad has traces of every tribe enslaved (mostly settled post emancipation with slaves from all the other islands), at least three Amerindian tribes (Taino, garifuna, Carib) and like, every European that settled…
Trinidad Carnival is really the best on the planet. Nothing like it in the US, that’s for damn sure. Those costumes the bands wear are pretty pricey, but they look fab.
I had my genetics tested (I’m adopted) to find out where my peeps came from. Highest percentage was Trinidad. Must go. They look like they’re having an amazing time!
No other hotelier would touch that property because they couldn’t find a economically feasible way to build and maintain it.
And here’s what happened after the bill was pulled!
My president’s response:
But it’s the democrats’ fault that republicans couldn’t pass a republican bill through a republican congress with a republican president?
Myles Loftin is a 19-year-old artist with heart and a yearning to see himself represented in media as a young black…
That quote gave me such rage. No, dear sir, “god” is not sovereign with every activity in my life because I do not believe in god. In fact, he has been sovereign in exactly zero of my life experiences. Because god doesn’t exist, and if he did, then he’s a vengeful, hateful motherfucker and I want nothing to do with…
You are correct. Oklahoma is the very buckle of the “bible belt”, where there’s only one book that matters (even if they swear to uphold a different one). They have a very specific, selective understanding of their bible, but it usually boils down to “how can I use this to oppress someone else (and inevitably wave it…
Until the racists are rooted out of police forces everywhere OR police start randomly killing white women....