
Yeah, I am super confused by the ending. I mean, I could see Waterford having a human side that sometimes comes out when it isn’t suppressed enough. Was he trying to do something truly kind? Did her screams as he raped her haunt him at night? I don’t understand this ending at all. It being a trap also seems

I’ve never loved a show that I wish would permanently disappear from all consciousness everywhere more than R&M. 

I did not, though speaking of non-sequiturs ...

Good. Assuming all the information in the indictment is correct, this guy rushed the designers to get to market first and directed his subordinates to ignore obvious safety issues. I personally would like to see more owners/presidents/CEOs be held directly responsible in cases like this. Corporations would pay far

At the risk of giving critics too much credit, they’ve praised games for being bold enough to “go there” before. Wolfenstein II, which is mentioned in the review, is a good example. So I don’t know if the issue is that Far Cry 5 isn’t “real” enough. But I haven’t played it yet, so I can’t judge.

The good news is I, like most people, have no idea what the fuck a pop team epic is, so we’ll just spend $850mm watching this movie. SORRY TO RUIN YOUR FUN TWICE.

It’s interesting that a studio that will gleefully release crap like Zoolander 2 or Monster Trucks thinks that a new Cloverfield movie is really bad. Or that a studio that desperately tried to sell blantantly uncommerical movies like Mother!, Downsizing or Suburicon thinks there’s nothing to salavage here.

Would you expect Rick and Morty fans to respond reasonably and rationally when a woman criticizes that show’s creator?

You should start a petition to force The A.V. Club to stop reporting on these petitions.

He was a dinosaur who got biz-zay! Totally radical! Basically Poochie in dinosaur form.

So what? Unholy abominations deserve love too.

Ultron was kind of training ground for Marvel’s “just throw it all in” approach. It was overstuffed, but Civil War was much better, and Guardians 2 and Ragnarok better still.

“How do you write tweets so well?”

in fairness, I was unaware until afterwards. And like I said, I’m being vague but it’s nowhere NEAR the level of what’s been happening in Hollywood. It’s still a crappy thing for a human being to do, but out of respect to him I’m not going to mention it, because he’s honestly reflected and contacted me to help him.

Chronic DUI is also arguably way worse than what CK did, but doesn’t not carry nearly as much stigma (because dicks).

It’s not easy, and we’re seeing the aftermath of it now. There’s a push for these people to distance themselves from these men. There’s certainly an argument that could be made for that, but with friends... I don’t know. Professionally, certainly but friendship wise, I see standing by your friend. Not condoning it.

Something that really bugs me about this sort of shit is that if you have a problem with the way it trivializes what happened (by layering “nuance” on what should actually be a rather clear-cut situation) then you’re “cynical” and whatever. Maybe the people who feel a need to rush to say nice things about someone who

It sounds like “Where didn’t he blow his load” would have a shorter answer.

I like her nuanced take. But you can love someone who does bad things. Part of loving someone is calling them on their BS. I have a friend who admitted he did something bad. (not Louis CK bad, but ethically pretty bad. Also not illegal. In the list of things that have been coming out about Hollywood right now: None of