
A definite get of my lawn moment for my tired old ass. 

Now tell me how much you want to fuck this Sonic, world. 

That terrible pun is the best part of this whole nightmare.

I find myself getting a little impatient for them to get to the fireworks factory already. The NK’s army is this apocalyptic force that’s been haunting this show for 7-plus seasons, I want to see at least a hint of them rampaging over the land. The upcoming battle should feel epic, and we’re getting more telling than

This version of Chucky looks like 80s Eric Stoltz and it’s weirding me out. 

It helps we have an interesting villain this go ‘round. Alpha is a strong presence in the comics and this arc represents one of Kirkman’s better recent stretches.

I too am on this train til the end of the tracks. I stopped watching after last year’s winter break - the episode Carl got bit - but got pulled back in. As baseline mediocre as the show is, it’s never bad enough to forego entirely - and there’s occasional good stuff to push me into the new season.

Farscape fell off a bit in S4, but I still have plenty of fond memories of the series, and at least they wrapped things up with the movie. I can only imagine now the Deviant Art BDSM action taking place between Scorpio and Crichton. Oh to be young and innocent once more! And by young I mean mid-20s, but whatever.

Claudia Black could do voiceovers forever and have a Hamill-esque second life as a VA. She’s great in the Dragon Age game series.

Can we agree that Henry is better than Carl, even if it’s negligibly so? 

Not a fan of the animal masks - they’ve become a bit of a horror trope at this point.

I’ve skipped the last two QT movies and am questionable on the new one. Just not in the mood for his brand of exploitative fuckery, and I loved Inglorious Bastards.

Not gonna miss the turtle, but IT would’ve been better served as a longer series that actually delved into these characters’ lives. Mike Hanlon is a key figure in the book and essentially does nothing in the first movie.

That Resi2 remake looks mighty tasty. Resident Evil 1 on Gamecube was fantastic, so hopefully this follows the trend.

Thanks for this! I loved the Last Policeman trilogy. 

I’m not kink-shaming, I’m decrying performative sexuality over a cartoon.

Wanting to fuck a cartoon is not a stand-in for a personality. Like and share if you agree.

I enjoy the hell out of this goofy show, especially when it embraces its goofiness. 

It’s just a padding . Every song from the real performance is recreated, other than ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love.’

He could be on the MaCauley Culkin life plan of painting into the wee hours and appearing on random Red Letter Media episodes. I’d take that in quick second.