
Who has the better death stare, Philip or Elizabeth? Six years in, and the chemistry between the two actors is still nothing less than electric.

And it’s got footnotes, too?!

I like the CW superhero shows, but haven’t made time for BL yet. Looks like I may have to binge watch this one over the summer, if the good vibes I’m getting from this review and just the show’s look in general are an indication.

The writing’s political neutrality seems to seep through the entirety of the game, according to the full reviews I’ve read. Disappointing to see Ubi fink out on a premise of white nationalism fairly heavily implied during the game’s original marketing. The game’s getting dinged for backsliding on this, and rightly so.

“I’m just trolling lol.” So Corgan is a 4chan dork made flesh.

Everything feels so detached - and purposely so, I mean how many shots are there of the teens sleeping or lying around -that I could not get into it.

What a way to spend your time. Nerds suck.

Conservative white males are an endangered species!

I’ve seen this flittering across the Netflix transom and ignored it- I did not realize it was directed by Flanagan. The two flicks of his I’ve I’ve seen - Hush and Gerald’s Game - are both very solid.

I had a hard time liking Disaster Artist myself - it doesn’t know if it wants to be inspirational, funny or a dark character study. I couldn’t help but wonder why the movie exists, other than as an excuse for Franco to do a Tommy Wiseau impression. The book is super charming, however.

I’ve had the S10 season finale on my DVR for two years and still haven’t watched it. Carter’s brand of conspiracy seems so quaint in this dark timeline.

- The Negan-Rick war in the comics disappointed because Kirkman loves Negan, and it’s no secret. It’s not surprising that man-crush comes out in the show as well. Negan has potential as a good character, and JDM does what he can with it, but the character stinks - there ain’t another way to say it.

I’ll be the Pollyanna and say perhaps this story can be a beacon for administrators to take a closer look at bullying and its root causes. In this case I hope Keaton’s mom is climbing mountains for Keaton in getting his teachers and admin to put a stop to the behavior.

He’ll cop to the infidelity/sexaholism and join Weinstein in rehab.

This may have been the MCU’s best year yet. GotG2, Thor3 and Spider-Man all very solid entries - and Punisher is pretty good, too!

I’m guessing Thor/GotG get short shrift until Avengers 4. I didn’t like Ultron for its overstuffed nature, but the Russo Bros did a great job with a big cast in Civil War, as that other poster stated. In them i trust until proven otherwise.

There’s a certain ‘know thy enemy’ lesson to be taken from this, if nothing else. That someone with vile, genocidal beliefs is not some goose-stepping fiend in jackboots, but usually comes in the form of your polite, Seinfeld-quoting neighbor. “Banality of evil” indeed.

Gotta say that’s some guts on your part for not just stepping into the situation with your friend, but staying on top of it. Not the same thing, but I confronted a a very close friend who was a heavy binge drinker and picked up multiple DUIs - I got on him about it, probably to the point of henpecking, reminding him

I’ve been thinking about this in relation to Silverman, Jon Stewart, Marc Maron and anyone else who may have heard rumors or had more factual info that CK was up to this behavior.

Gadot and Pine were game and elevated the material, I will say that. I liked the secretary character as well. The visuals were fine, but I was hoping for better action - something akin to what the MCU did for Captain America in the fight scenes.