The kid playing Ron is a pretty ok actor. I was convinced he and Carl were going to fight over Enid, so count your blessings that didn't happen
The kid playing Ron is a pretty ok actor. I was convinced he and Carl were going to fight over Enid, so count your blessings that didn't happen
I was never in the army, unless you're making jokes over here.
It's pronounced 'ayuh' but this is a serious story so let's not get in a twist over it.
Empowerment for certain. I suppose there's a certain satisfaction from that.
Enjoys it? I never got that sense. More like after living with domestic abuse devolving even further into zombie hell, Carol offers no quarter when a danger is posed.
What bugged me about the ending is that it can only go two ways: 1) Wolf escapes and causes additional deaths or 2)Rick and Co. find out about the Wolf and there's a long drawn out balance of power debate on whether to keep said Wolf alive. We've seen both of these circumstances play out before.
Cockless wonders giving in to the revolting consumer movement of anti-social chair moisteners.
I quite enjoyed tonight even though i agree about the silly disagree with Rick = death gimmick. But if Glenn dies so innocuously with not a main character to witness said death, that's ballsy. Which is why I don't believe he's dead. In Mainstream Genre TV Land, main characters don't die without at least one member of…
I don't mind the UFO/alien voiceover stuff as it's pretty much been kept on the down-low, and probably represents some thematic blah blah that's yet to be revealed. Did not love last week's episode but this week really clicked for me.
Prepare for an influx of folks who use the term 'cucking' without irony.
I personally enjoyed the three-week newspaper arc of Spidey walking down the street.
Finally someone said it.
It would take a lot of gasoline to burn that many zombies, I'd think. How would they be able to cover such a wide area? And where would they get the fuel from?
Ellie from the Last of Us is a wonderful teen character. She has her whiny and self-absorbed moments, of course, but there's far more depth to her than most fictional teens.
Will Spielberg at least reference his brief Blues Brothers appearance?
Fuckin-A is the proper response here.
My bad I thought you were talking about the bat-wielding sweary man. No idea if they're doing the cult now but the resemblances are worth noting.
I'd take 10 Carls over one Nick.
The villains this season are more representative of whatever weirdness is happening in the comics now, though I'm not exactly caught up. Some strange cult, anyway. Not sure if we're going to get the character you're talking about this year.