When Rick learned about Carter's mutiny he should have said, 'You don't see those walkers fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.' Now that opportunity is gone forever.
When Rick learned about Carter's mutiny he should have said, 'You don't see those walkers fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.' Now that opportunity is gone forever.
Carter was obviously lunchmeat after the armory scene, but they could've given him a couple of more episodes before he made a noob mistake that got him killed and proved Rick's point. This show has never been subtle about its themes though I wish it would make a better attempt.
Quite possible, As an old and the least cute cast member Lance is the most expendable.
This thread has done plenty to illustrate FTWD's problems. I'll point out a few things I liked:
Lee Daniels is a fucking asshole, too.
You're a goddamn hero, you are.
And the Noxema girl was the killer.
I loved that kill screen bit. And Alien 3 on SNES was quite good, if totally a side step from the source content.
Ugh I'm already tired of the fucking kids as josh puts it. Can a show have teens that aren't self centered douches? Put the stereotype on its ear bc nobody watching a zombie show wants to deal with this shit. Travis trying to reason with his dog eating neighbor was the highlight'
Is that a WC Fields quote?
I need Nick to change out of his old man outfit. It's bothering me.
Then somebody on the show should say out loud, to the effect of "there is no popular media which may inform us how to stop this threat." It's the only way to be sure
I had to watch the post credits stinger a couple of times to understand what was happening. The scene (or my TV) was so dark it looked like Bedelia had two legs, but had a slit on her dress with something white on underneath. Even after knowing what happened it still comes off as visual trickery.
That's not misogyny from an " I hate women and you are an avatar of all women and hence must die." This is Hannibal intending to fulfill a promise.
That's a viable skill as well.
This ain't Punisher #22 they're assigning. Something like this (or Persepolis, perhaps) may have some educational value.
Why Nick was the focus is beyond me. I just have to assume he gets a retribution arc once shit gets real. But two things I don't want from a zombie show is sullen teens and sullen teens on drugs
Are these the lyrics from the liner notes?
Well he stole those clothes from his dead roommate at the hospital. Though I do like how he's still in those clothes in the publicity photo above.
It rhymes, like poetry