
Hunnum’s good in Pacific Rim, but that was mainly due to Del Toro’s being smart enough to cast Rinko Kikuchi opposite him and throwing in his shirtless scene while she catches a glimpse and likes what she sees.

Nothing will ever beat this version with Helen Mirren, Patrick Stewart and Liam Neeson.

Better idea: maybe stop greenlighting Guy Ritchie movies for a little while, and by “a little while” I mean “for the span of his natural life.”


And Trump uses this type of formulation specifically to manipulate the listener to give him the benefit of the doubt in case he’s being called on his bullshit.

Fuck right off with that garbage.

I’ve got a map for him and all of his dipshit supporters.

“I was going to fire Comey,” Trump told NBC. “Regardless of the recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.”

Who has ice cream with chocolate cream pie? Ice cream on pie is for double crust pies, usually fruit filled. So bizarre.

He can’t bear, even for a second, the idea that he isn’t 100% “the man in charge.” Even in a case where any logical person would try to distance themselves from this mess 45 is like “No, fuck you. I’m the one who made the call. I decided to fire him with no good reason.”

It’s uncanny. He seriously has the taste of a four year old.

I am zero percent surprised that Pence opts for a fruit plate instead of pie, aka the Devil’s dessert.

How is it possible that this motherfucker has THE WORST possible taste with everything. Literally everything. He’s a fucking caricature.

Diet coke, extra sauce, another scoop of ice cream....

I mean. Did you miss the W years?

Somewhere the aliens are observing and they’ve come to the conclusion that we’ve jumped the shark. Bring on the Brawndo!

Yeah, the child seat thing is minor, but forcing your wife to sit in the back while your 8 year old sits in the front is weird. Then again...

Trump looks like a political cartoonist drew him, thought the caricature was too exaggerated, crumpled the sketch into a ball and threw it away. Later, under deadline, he said “Eh, fuck it, good enough” fished the sketch out of the wastebasket, smoothed it out with his hands and sent it in.

“Perhaps your president doesn’t feel like he needs to prove anything anymore because he’s done it all,” Sebag-Montefiore muses.