
Could be ‘cause the trailers look awwww-ful ( and we thought the Clive Owen one stunk on ice.). It’s strange that no one has yet to surpass Boorman’s Excalibur— and even that movie gets super xtra-weird in the wonkiest of ways.

Worst Dr. Strangelove remake EVER.

Huh— a little guy who can keep his mitts off his genitals. Color me shocked.

Just as an aside: In my whole, entire life, I’ve never known anyone named Roy that wasn’t at least a little off.

Something tells me what will make this show extra-extra special will be the plethora of guest star cameos popping in to pick up their shit. It’ll be like a 21st Century Batman building climb!

T&J have pretty much been over since the horribly cheap and surreal Dicky Moe days— and that was 1962.

Looks like a LARPer who got lucky.

These peckerwoods are seriously and deeply fucked-up in the head.

That Karen Gillan is in it is all I need to know.

Hah ha— He doesn’t know who Scrooge McDuck is.

Now that’s an example of an American Original. RIP, Chuck.

He’s also a top-notch character actor trapped in a Movie Star body.

I find it wonderfully satisfying when wealthy, sanctimonious, religious nuts fall and fall hard— and I don’t even feel remotely bad/guilty about it.

Anyone who’s seen Dr. Strangelove can identify Vera Lynn. Happy Birthday!

I’m seriously trying to think of some example in my past where someone uttered the phrase “...and everyone knows it!” and they weren’t below the age of twelve or just a plain ol’ asshole.

‘T’ is for TRAITOR.

I just assume that once abandoned Malls would eventually be re-fitted for Old People storage. That way they can still Mall-Walk every morning at 5am.

‘Cept Rosa wasn’t, you know— trafficking cocaine.

Ah— So then it’s no coincidence that two of the best things he’s ever done (Toy Story & Galaxy Quest) just happen to have him portraying characters that are clueless self-involved jerks.

“gone-to-seed frat boy Tucker Carlson”