I’ve defended Fallout 76 a couple times and I even enjoy it with my wife for some fun casual co-op but damn if you didn’t hit the nail on the head across the board here.
I’ve defended Fallout 76 a couple times and I even enjoy it with my wife for some fun casual co-op but damn if you didn’t hit the nail on the head across the board here.
Are there really still unsold RS’s in the wild?
Fair point. Very well, carry on then. I’ll gather wood with my light saber. Dinner at sundown?
Rail guns just carry too much kinetic energy though. If you use one on fresh game, you’ll really make a mess of the game you are huntin’.
Yup. Pumped. Don’t care it’s on VR. Some of my most fond gaming memories are around HL and HL2. I’m ready for this. Hell, I expected Valve to make a new HL game just for VR when it was clear VR was going to have a bit more staying power this time around so I was a little surprised when it seemed like nothing was…
For what it’s worth, the Mach-E is just one inch taller than the last Taurus and 2 full inches shorter than Ford’s smallest CUV, the EdgeSport.
It was an awful presentation. Poor Idris Elba did what he could but it seemed like he flew in on the same day and only had a chance to rehearse once or twice before they went live.
I wanted to hate this Mach-E but I actually rather like it. The naming is the only issue I have with it.
Hah! No worries, I have been shaving my head for 20 years anyway. Easy maintenance and my wife thinks I look much better with a beard and bald head anyway.
“Take a look at the person behind the wheel of any newer hot hatch, and it’ll likely be a guy with graying hair.”
Indeed, I clicked the link immediately and I’m now browsing through. Thank you again!
Thank you Splinter. It was my favorite site to visit every day. Especially after a new dumpster fire cropped up (which has been daily coincidentally).
Jesus Christ, even TomatoFace is here parting ways. I’m pouring one out for all the awesome posters and of course splinter. Vodka on the menu tonight.
Oh my, thank you for this. I never really commented on splinter posts but I’m glad to see this discord.
I am stunned even still at the loss of this site. I have tried to find anything even close to equivalent. MSM sites are too filtered or fail to cover many topics to any layer of depth (or skipping all together).
But Sean Connery is actually Scottish though isn’t he?
My nephew just had major surgery so he’s out of work for a few weeks. Showed him Destiny 2 on Steam and he devoured it like a kid on crack. We’ve had a ton of fun going through that this past week.
fair and valid criticism. I can appreciate that. Hope you and your family are having a good time regardless of what you are playing. Cheers mate.
I get that it has issues. So do Skyrim, FO4 and FO3 for that matter. Regardless, I’ve seen a lot of improvement over the past year. My wife and I have been playing it fairly steady for the last several months and things have always improved, not gotten worse aside from the power armor problem which has largely been…
oh come on, that 08 Leggy GT isn’t that old! *counts fingers* Shit, 11 years.