In his minor defense (mental snap notwithstanding), the ax probably chops wood just fine.
In his minor defense (mental snap notwithstanding), the ax probably chops wood just fine.
Username on point.
I started out in an 84 Nissan pickup. RWD, manual and around 100 HP I think. I am infinitely grateful for not having any kind of power in that thing. I didn’t get a proper fast car until I was in my 30s. Again, super glad because my 20s I was still pretty stupid and would have driven stupidly in a fast car.
The cop car door ding sound is entirely a Ford sound. I’m guessing Explorer given the hood lines.
I have a 2019 Ram Rebel, a 2001 Miata (for autocross and summer time fun driving), a Harley Iron 883 and a Mach E.
I miss my 2015 base EB. Enjoyed the hell out of that car but sadly, a massive wind storm introduced a tree to the roof and the meeting did not go well. Squished Mustang. I don’t even think I had 10k on the odometer yet.
No Krieger-san! <fades away in silence>.
Mythbusters absolutely had an episode on jet pulse engines. Episode 182 (2012) “swinging pirates”. Second myth in that episode, they created a big oil barrel pulse jet. It worked poorly but they brought in someone later that knew how to ramp up a good pulse jet engine.
This irked me to no end. They also closed the article with the Maverick having no competition. Did they forget the Santa Cruz already? Nobody else has, its a great competitor to the Maverick.
For me, Odyssey just clicked and I felt the story was quite straight forward. As I said, I’m sure I’ll give Valhalla another go and with a fresh mind since I haven’t played it in quite a while so hopefully I’ll be more engaged.
I enjoyed Odyssey immensely and know I’ll happily play it again someday. I am really into Viking mythology and figured I would love Valhalla even more. I got 20 hours in and just kind of drifted to other games. Valhalla is beautiful for sure but it did not hold my attention like Odyssey did and I think you helped me…
That is nuts.
I wonder if its JDM versus USDM requirements? Perhaps the JDM version does not have the limiter? Genuinely not sure on this one.
Thank you!
Where did you go if you don’t mind me asking? Once our parents pass and my son graduates there won’t be much keeping us here. Ireland looks nice.
“Open the pod bay doors, Hal”.
Oh snap! I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for the heads up.
Oh snap! I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for the heads up.
Learned to drive in an 84 Dautsun and drove it for several years before it rusted away. Then had a 2001 Frontier and put 250k miles on it and kept it going for a solid 12 years.
My son is also on the spectrum and shares many similarities to their story. Though I don’t know if he would be interested in playing Joe Danger anymore (he’s almost 16 now) but I will happily throw a couple bucks at Hello Games just for the effort. Thanks for bringing this to light!