
The worst colour for the worst car, made by the worst company, driven by the. worst. people.

So “respect ma authoritah then?

“after dumping 50k into my 750k suv I can finally beat a 65k suv in  drag race” isnt exactly a great bragging position 

I’m in the mail room of my building, going through the junk mail, figuring out what I can throw out before I even go up to my condo. One envelope is giving me trouble. Up walks Viggo, ”need a knife to open that?” And for just a second, I am Isildur’s heir....

Donald Trump Says He’ll Stop All Electric Car Sales

I am failing to see how the cop did not do *exactly* the right thing here. If moron was going too fast to stop in time to not hit a very plainly visible cop car, he was going too fast to not hit a pedestrian. Not like he came around a blind corner and there was the cop.

*looks at username* shocking

How fucking pathetic on so many levels. Its outright pathetic that somehow that fat fuck is yet again running for president. Its pathetic that millions of Americans still support and will vote for him. Its pathetic how batshit insane the Republican party has become- and I say that as someone who is not exactly

If you keep clicking on the stories that “suck” then they will learn that exact lesson. They will continue to publish those types of stories.

I feel like this is more accurately called a furlough. But layoffs get more clicks. 

Furlough. The word You’re looking for for “temporary layoff” is “furloughed.”

I’d observe that guardrails aren’t really designed to stop ANYTHING that’s heading straight at them at highway speeds. They are designed to keep cars traveling parallel to the rail from driving further off the road if they veer off course for some reason.

Actually, it is a shame.  They’re not just dealing with the Trump case, they have many other cases they’re prosecuting and handling.  Many regular civilians are not able to get legal assistance until this is resolved.  If you still feel the way you do, may you in turn be terribly inconvenienced with something when you

Alexa, play (whatever song)

The main use for Alexa in my house is

Good luck with that, Amazon. I just threw all my Alexa speakers away because almost every interaction it was pressuring me to buy something. Sorry, but I can only accept that from my kids.


It’s pretty interesting, really. Sociopaths and narcissists are often driven to get into positions of utmost power since having to adhere to common egalitarian society’s rules can burden then. It’s likely why so many of them are CEOs or c-suite executives. Money doesn’t care about morals after all. Even if you’re not

A sociopathic capitalist?