
It’s probably for the best that they are delaying and ensuring a high quality release.

Here in northern Utah, there seem to be a lot of 30 to 40 somethings riding on HDs. I’m 41 myself and ride an Iron 883. Most all of the others I see that are around my age are also on the smaller HDs.


So poignant and beautiful in it’s simplicity. +1 for you. 

Eh, people love to hate on things, don’t let it bother you.

Instant Action mode will finally get me to buy this game. This is something I always wanted. I will buy the title out of principle for EA adding a feature that I think many fans will appreciate.

We owned and thoroughly enjoyed our 2014 Focus ST (ST3 package). That model year had the original Sync system. It was a crap infotainment system. That wasn’t a decade ago. Just 3 years later we sold the ST and bought a new 2017 RS.

This is how I felt about my Mustang. I’d still have it and planned on keeping it forever until a tree decided to take a dirt nap and squished it (crazy strong wind storm).

Perfectly understandable. My wife is 5'1" and fits in those seats and the car in general better than I. I’m not a big guy either at 5'7" 170 lbs but it’s still a little snug in those Recaros (as it should be). I wouldn’t do a road trip in the RS because of those seats and the peanut sized gas tank. Thankfully I have

My wife commutes in her RS and she won’t have it any other way :) Granted the commute is short (in town, no freeway). She won’t let go of that speed now that she has it.

I was playing the beta for WOTLK and was signing in one last time before they shut off the servers. I was tooling around Amberpine Lodge (enjoying the serenity and music of that zone) when I realized nobody was left on the server. All chat channels were empty, zones showed no players, friends list, guild list didn’t

Man, right there with you. I’m a pretty reasonable, calm dad and care about any kid’s safety. Part of dad programming.

I’m a fairly calm, reasonable person and watch out for kids. Just part of being a dad I suppose. But if I saw this guy punch, chase and knock down a 13 year old, I would become unhinged and hulk out on this asshole.

Ouch, sorry to hear about the side swipe. Glad you came out of it alive though! 

Sat on the new Rebel 300 and 500. I was shocked at how light and easy to maneuver they were. Going to buy my wife a 300 tomorrow probably as she’s interested in getting into riding for the first time ever. We’ll start slow, parking lot and neighborhood training plus MSF beginners course is the path for her.

I’m really looking forward to that. I picked up the rift shortly after launch and there were times it blew me away as well. Been gaming since the early 80s as well and it’s been pretty awesome seeing how  things have progressed. Wonder what we’ll comment about in another 20 years with gaming.

Just FYI, it launched with a full 50 titles.

Ah that’s right! Thanks and yeah I’m getting old :)

But wouldn’t that be the Ford Ashtrovan? Or am I muddling my memories of crap heap vehicles?

Maybe we’ll see Cyberpunk 2077 this year? I’m pretty excited for that one.