Well, the [WNBA] is widely regarded as the most competitive in the world, and the players themselves — Taurasi included — want to compete against the best
Well, the [WNBA] is widely regarded as the most competitive in the world, and the players themselves — Taurasi included — want to compete against the best
No one really cares about popularity as much as they care as having the LA Market in the NFL's pocket when it's time to negotiate the next TV Deal. It's about getting LA back into the Super Bowl rotation.
Of course the last thing broadcasted by anyone will be a Spanish Lullabye broadcast from Buenos Aires.
He's black. That's all. The levels of animus and vitriol directed at him are because he is black. There is no great mystery here. To most White conservatives, he may as well be the love child of Malcolm X and Angela Davis.
Would the game be negatively effected in ANY way if there were no more of these post-game interviews? Is there one NFL fan who actually cares about these? Would the NFL become less popular if Players were no longer obligated to talk to the media post-game? I can totally understand why player hate doing this. It adds…
Get black kids to play it. That's it. To me there is no magic formula. America's best athletes don't play soccer. Until they do, The US will probably never produce a elite level player. South Florida is a good place to look, but it's doing to be damn near impossible to convince a some young black kid to give up…
Yes let the "experts" work it out. Just hand over another 100 Billion dollars and STFU please. Thank you for encapsulating the entire American Military Industrial Complex hostage crisis in four wonderful sentences.
Yes, but how much would the league be damaged if the players all refused to talk to the media tomorrow? They still play the games, but no press conferences and interviews. Who suffers more if that happens? The players lose some revenue, but how much?
Probably a Fox News intern, if I had to guess. They deploy like the 82nd Airborne when a Fox News talking head does something stupid like this.
No it's not ridiculous, as someone who has a baby born at home, the process is totally safe. Our midwife was competent, trained and prepared for any eventuality. If the woman has a normal pregnancy and is full term, then birthing at home is a safe option. To say otherwise is bullshit.
I was hoping NBC may get the NBA rights back. I've always hated the ESPN/ABC presentation of the NBA. It always seems small, I guess. It's hard to describe but NBC has a gloss to their live sports that make everything seem bigger.
Ray Lewis: "Burn that suit or you'll burn for everything."
I had to read that a few times to make sure i wasn't going insane. In two decades I've never met ANYONE who could say that.
Soon after she finished, she looked at me said with a wink: "My house is around the corner. I need to change my gameday panties, want to help me take them off?" This happened at noon; 7 hours before the game was to begin.
Why are rookie QB's ever in these discussions? Most of them have no idea what they are doing, and when they do have success (RGIII) it's usually some combination of dumb luck and a better than average supporting cast. Sam Bradford gets to stumble around for years, Matt Stafford can't ride Megatron to the playoffs, but…
8. Get black guys to play it. Soccer will never take off in America if our best Athletes don't play it.
But only two teams (Miami, Dallas) won their 1st title in that span.
The Lakers and/or the Celtics played in EVERY NBA Final from 1980-1989. They won eight of the 10 titles. Yes they only played each other three times, but they still dominated the decade.