Bruce Steever

Much like anything else he’s involved in, he only wants to “help” if he can be in charge.

Declining birth rates are, in fact, a normal response to societies exiting poverty. When you no longer need to have multiple kids because some of them won’t make it to adulthood, when you get access to birth control and education and careers, there’s way less pressure to have kids, and to give more to the fewer kids

The problems with low birth rates in Japan and South Korea can mostly be fixed with “Men need to stop being so fucked up,” and the problems with mass immigration can mostly be fixed with “People need to stop being so racist.”

Problem is 8 billion is not distributed equally (both geographically and in age). I don’t think the US is at anywhere near the same point yet, but there are other countries like Japan and South Korea that are dealing with real problems with a declining birth rate (with South Korea in particular falling to half of

I like how ethical altruists dont go for the real way to help humanity which is just pay taxes and stop funding scumbags.

Whenever Musk is talking about population stuff, you gotta remember to substitute “people” with “white people from Western countries” and it’ll all make perfect sense. This is just old-fashioned white supremacist eugenics that’s thinly veiled behind some science-y language to make it more palatable.

So 8 billion is not enough, eh?  Anyone want to tell this to fish stocks, pollution monitors, microplastic researchers, or anyone driving through LA at pretty much any time during the day?

That gauge cluster is very hard to read. Then again, if you’ve got enough money for one of these, you don’t need to look at gauges anyway. If anything bad happens, you just throw money at whatever the problem is until it goes away.

Absolutely gorgeous cluster...which also appears to be excruciatingly hard to read while actually driving the thing.

They’re Schroedinger’s Astronauts!

Lucky bastards. I wish NASA would send me into space, away from this planet.

“Influencer” needs to not be a thing.

Two things:

I can’t give this response enough stars.

Some of the warmest moments in recent history for me was discovering that women are absolutely kicking down the barriers of male dominated spaces.

That’s the point though, isn’t it? Warranty work is paid for by Tesla. Out of warranty work is paid for by the customer. Shoddy workmanship + warranty denials + captive customer base = profit.

Also Pizzacake comic that is also sadly relevant here:

Usually they’re also a big, strong man with tears in their eyes.

To sum up: an influencer/amateur boxer asked an insurrectionist/felon/former POTUS about the existence of aliens, which the FelonOTUS answered with a word salad about handsome pilots who are taller than Tom Cruise and saw “some really strange things” while flying their “super fighter jet planes.”

“Sir, there was something there that was round in form and going like four time faster than my super fighter jet plane.”