Bruce Steever

With study after study after study showing that heterogenous groups of people make better decisions, and a similar number of studies showing that homogeneous groups make worse decisions, it should be quite obvious that having diversity in any workforce is a recipe for success.

2nd Gear: Not again. A court case already reaffirmed California’s ability to set its own emissions rules, per Republican Nixon’s EPA.”

Personally, I’d kinda like to see the world’s 5th largest economy declare it’s independence.

The first lesson any cult initiate learns is that questioning the leader is the only actual unforgivable sin.

The party of “States should be allowed to regulate this” until states aren’t doing it the way they want them to.

2nd gear. Growing up as a car crazed kid in SoCal, I had a lot of animosity for CARB, especially when it came to smogging my 914. However, I also remember not being able to go out for recess at school because of the air quality. Going to my cousin’s house in Pasadena to go swimming and then having a smoker’s cough all

I bet Putin is sitting in his volcano lair just laughing his ass off at us.

1St Gear: official wipe from documentation to PR reports doesn’t mean it’s gone. Many companies are just moving forward internally, with no changes to policy.  They know what’s right.

I keep asking this — if Tesla can claim to have FSD capabilities sufficient to operate driverless cabs (it’s a fake claim, I know), why wouldn’t those who paid....$15K?....for this service in their own Tesla get it first? Didn’t people pay a premium to get FSD, so why aren’t they getting it before the cabs do (the

Most Americans who feel that way have never known enough hardship to fill a postcard; privilege has its downside.

Unfortunately a lot of Americans don’t seem to mind it.

There are two expressions in the Dutch language that seem to fit exceptionally well:

World War Two still casts a long shadow,” Kraaijvanger told Wired.

Kill yourself.

Fuck Biden and Garland too for being so inept that they couldn’t put him away or down in 3 years.

Fuck Biden and Garland too for being so inept that they couldn’t put him away or down in 3 years.

Generally speaking, most megarich people are Conservative. There’s no benefit to them to being liberal, other than actually giving a damn about other people, and you don’t become a billionaire by concentrating on that.

Fuck tRump and his idiot deplorables.  He’s a fucking treasonous POS.

I just wish Hunter S. Thompson could organize his eventual state funeral.

Anyone remember how we were going to rename french fries “freedom fries” because the French opposed the invasion of Iraq?