Bruce Steever

Republicans propose a $1,000 tax on anyone buying s a new EV

The MAGA-Reich in full bloom. Yes, the prior admin ordered these, but funny how Musk is trying to position Tesla’s for this.

Ironic considering he’s WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT right now (or the Exec Branch as the Cosplay President). So conflict of interest isn’t a US worry anymore.

2nd Irony: A Republican admin with an

I don’t want to disappoint anyone but in the interest of unbiased political coverage, 2024-YR4’s electoral district runs from the Pacific Ocean to Northern South America, the Atlantic Ocean, central Africa, a corner of the Arabian peninsula, the Northwestern Indian Ocean, and then to South Asia. Unfortunately that

It wouldn’t be a predicament at all, regardless of when the contract was drawn up, if all the American automakers had a “fair” shot at the contract (or as much “fair” as any such thing can ever be).

Although that said, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump changed it to ICE anyway, given his (and his base’s) hostility to

Europe’s taxing models for consumer vehicles would have saved us from the huge suv and truck onslaught.   Those vehicles would simply be unaffordable to own.  

We could tax fuels to the extent that they do in Europe and almost every other developed country, causing the need to consume less and add to the nation’s coffers for frivolous expenditures like universal health care and top-notch public transportation.  But fuck that.  We are America, and we think we are the best at

Sadly, this one doesn’t look like it has the potential to end our miserable civilization.

“I’m pretty sure Tesla isn’t getting $400M. No one mentioned it to me, at least,” Musk wrote on X on Thursday about the department’s revised forecast.

If fuel economy standards had gone up for 30 years, people would burn less fuel. If the government had increased gas taxes proportionally, they could have both more fuel efficient cars and enough money to maintain the roads, while maintaining similar gas prices (in as much as gas prices are affected by taxes, rather

They know exactly what they’re doing right now, and they know they’re going to need those bulletproof cars soon.

I gotta stop thinking “this timeline couldn’t get any shittier” because every goddamned day I get proven wrong.

They will cut all your earned benefits to the bone and send the money straight to their own companies. Trump did it last time with his hotels and golf courses. This time it will be much more direct and brazen. 

We had a good run. Maybe Mother Nature can do something less self destructive when the squids crawl out of the ocean and take over when we’re gone.

This is a good thing. Society needs to bring back shame. Americans are just exercising our first amendment rights.  

Look, violence against anyone is never a good idea...”

it’s even worse than that. Toyota’s core customer is people that buy a car like it’s an appliance. They don’t care about the driving experience as long as it’s reliable.
The people buying Teslas are looking to buy a status symbol, like it’s a purse or a new cell phone.. It’s the same group of entitled mid-level manager

He disagrees with the message carried by the sticker. 

The same boring, basic, low skilled, non enthusiast, and careless people who used to drive Camrys and CRVs now drive Teslas so this should come as no surprise.

Does he not agree with telling Nazis to fuck off? Odd. 

If you bought a Cybertruck, you bought it with the full understanding of what Elon is. It wasn’t because it was the only truck you could afford or the only electric truck available, you did it as a lifestyle statement. Fair for people to respond in kind. Surprised more aren’t being vandalized.