Bruce Steever

Then. Why. Are. You. Still. Here?

Primary source? Nope.
Neutral third party? Nope.
Obviously unclear post on data hygiene? Yep.

Possibly, i do come from a family of hoarders...

I can only imagine the room you’re sitting in as you type this. I can imagine the smell, considering my family had several nasty hoarders. You know you can do better, but you refuse to. You think it’s good enough, and that you’re focusing on the more important stuff, like DC-area pizza basements.

I’m here for this. I’d love a small lightweight car, but what options do we have for that now? A BR-Z is thirty grand.

And here’s the Surprise Sexism coming from the top rope!

Eat shit. This lady killed a man in cold blood for a minor traffic violation. Go wring your hands somewhere else.

Please consider what you’re saying, try thinking for once in your miserable little life.

You’d better cite that shit fast, because that is seriously spurious to claim without evidence.

Just like children in some American schools

Where is that Good Guy With A Gun? I keep hearing so much about him, but he’s just never there when he’s “needed.”

At some point, my wife’s old Subaru 2.5 will die, and our desire to avoid anything with a turbo will make shopping for a replacement vehicle much easier, after a fashion.

Cool, another reason to never step foot on these plague rafts.


ONN, the finest name in ACTUALLY fake news.

Killing people that don’t buy into his bullshit is very on-brand for Elmo.

What are they flushing it with, Remy VSOP?

Ah, Hyundai - the perfect combination of a car company that needs a top-spec warranty to justify their poor reliability while making sure to deny straightforward claims whenever possible.

The wisdom of SoupFarts is unassailable