Bruce Steever

The data supports this.

The GOP is a death cult. This is not news.

KIA’s are normally Killed In Action, but this guy went AWOL instead.

Cool story, bro.

Easily recognizable boat... just saying...

Hey Netflix, I can also do nothing for you, but it only costs about $20mil for me to do it for you.

They hate themselves, i don’t have to do shit.

Fuck giant trucks and the douchebros that buy them

Same here, but the non-PC launch was a shitshow, full stop.

Interesting article, right until the end... “real one”... Top Gear? Really?!

Quality leadership on display, courtesy of the party that claims the left is “full of violent thugs.”

Rule #1b: “Don’t let crazy stick their dick in you.”

I triple-dog-dare you to say that to ANY casino bouncer in Clark County. Film it, please.

Cyberpunk 2077 PR prop lost, film at eleven.

Since when do religious conservatives care about facts or reason?

Biggest gang in the country strikes again.

The slow-motion coup continues unchecked.

Hardest pass, piss off with this noise.

Those fuckers think everything and everyone is out to get them, don’t they?

I expect this sort of packaging on most modern bikes, judging by the number of bikes on market with this silencer arrangement.