The feat that made Philippe Petit legendary—his tightrope walk between the two towers of the World Trade Center on…
The feat that made Philippe Petit legendary—his tightrope walk between the two towers of the World Trade Center on…
I think he was trying to say that he thought he was winning the fight through the first seven rounds? That would make a little more sense, but I didn’t see the fight so I have no idea how off base even that statement is
So just to clarify, the evidence is that she got in a twitter fight, held a picture of Sarah Palin, said American soccer is not the same quality as European, didn’t hang out with other people in her program, and has a “camp”. Wow, you sure got her Samer.
Pacquaio is not evil, goddamnit. Pacquaio is a moron who grew up poor and then became exceptionally wealthy and famous with literally an entire country enabling is stupid behavior. He’s about as evil as Justin Bieber except he’s got a funny accent and real talent so people like him. Floyd Mayweather is evil. I know…
The call you are referring to would be "obstruction" — not "interference." And there was no obstruction on that play because Escobar did not hinder Betts (though it was close!). BTW, Escobar did not thing wrong on that play because he is supposed to back up the throw on a steal of second base. It is the pitcher who…
It wasn't called but out of curiosity should that have been interference on the part of Yunel Escobar when Betts is running from 2nd to 3rd? Also, what the fuck was Yunel Escobar doing?
“And should you try to take comfort in thinking that perhaps Pacquiao at least respects women more than Mayweather does, remember that he fought against legislation in the Philippines that would mandate sex education, subsidize contraception, and expand family-planning offerings.”
All five of Duke’s starters are black but I’m actually commenting because I’m just curious to know if the outcomes of the Final Four games were reversed would you have written, “The Kentucky-Michigan State matchup should be interesting, and also pretty black”.
Guerrero is Jensen! Jensen is Guerrero!
And I love the irony in these articles: "Athlete says media is stupid, and that's awesome!" said member of the media.
You know what I really love? Blog writers who neither have played the game nor do they understand the math behind analytics, and yet hold a belief about the superiority of one view over the other that can only be described as ideological.
It's too bad Jezebel can't copy this formula.
Congratulations Kath, you just admitted to being a member of the over-reactive dousche of the day.
The only problem with this article is that these protesters have nothing to do with Black Lives Matter (even if they did tweet something with that hash-tag).
What a complete horseshit headline Will. Why not just go with "Merloni threatens to beat black supporters with a bat"? Because you went just as close as you could without getting sued for libel? Did you type that out first and then chicken out?
Jesus Christ, she was being fucking nice. Her asshole friend assumed they were doing something wrong, when really they were just trying to go do something fun and couldn't afford it. She assumed that there was more to the story than them being "up to no good," went and asked - a novel concept, I know - and was right.…
Wa... why are we mad at her?
The tone and delivery of this article is confusing. What she did was...wrong? Because it was...paternalistic? Or because she asked people to not judge others based on race? Not being sarcastic here, just deeply confused by the mobius strip that is Gawker racial politics.
"prefer to immediately assume" stated without a hint of irony is hilarious.