
So just to clarify, the evidence is that she got in a twitter fight, held a picture of Sarah Palin, said American soccer is not the same quality as European, didn’t hang out with other people in her program, and has a “camp”. Wow, you sure got her Samer.

Pacquaio is not evil, goddamnit. Pacquaio is a moron who grew up poor and then became exceptionally wealthy and famous with literally an entire country enabling is stupid behavior. He’s about as evil as Justin Bieber except he’s got a funny accent and real talent so people like him. Floyd Mayweather is evil. I know

I don’t like you at all

It wasn't called but out of curiosity should that have been interference on the part of Yunel Escobar when Betts is running from 2nd to 3rd? Also, what the fuck was Yunel Escobar doing?

All five of Duke’s starters are black but I’m actually commenting because I’m just curious to know if the outcomes of the Final Four games were reversed would you have written, “The Kentucky-Michigan State matchup should be interesting, and also pretty black”.

MCW is a fine point guard but he is also utterly dispensable because of how deep the position is. Meaning, he may be a pretty good NBA player but he's actually a completely average point guard. It's not all that hard to find 15 or so PGs better than (or at least as good) as him. In no particular order: Russell

Wait, how does this suck? It means a girl didn't get raped, that doesn't suck.

"prefer to immediately assume" stated without a hint of irony is hilarious.

WBC is a joke

Had this and thought it tasted like motor oil. I'm a relatively new beer drinker so we'll chalk it up to me being an idiot and probably just not liking stouts though. Victory's golden monkey on the other hand, tastes awesome in a drinking drift wood kind of way - and i mean that sincerely. Not that easy to find beers

My school cafeteria served Cincinnati Chili over Spaghetti yesterday. Took one bite and put it on the food conveyor belt. It was truly awful.

Sounds like a not so heated argument to me.

Reverting to the old version of Kinja would be a start.

I think the argument he wants to make but hasn't is that women should be mindful that some men are dangerous and one way of protecting themselves from those men is to always be mindful of who you're surrounding yourself with. Yes, it's never ok to hit a woman but we live in a world where women are hit and it sucks

This is the same guy who threw banana chips at Dominican Felix Pie to remind him "not to be a savage". Not all that surprising.

When asked what he'll do if they don't win in 2015, he said he would just turn the other cheek.

I disagree. You can actually see the vein in his forearm in the top right picture where he's holding the bat behind his neck. Guy is strong as hell, so I guess it's how you define "fitness" as to whether or not he's "miles beyond the average American". If you define it as how much weight you need to lose before you

also speeding

Guy who lost looked fine.

Hey, Darren Rovell, what's up?