
How do we know it was a Mets fan when the announcer didn't call him an idiot?

Barry's title just gave itself one another more.

"3/4ths of them must vote to sustain the charges and terminate Sterling's ownership"

I bet Donald wishes all the other owners were black now.

Ok, but how did this stupid cat trick the dog into attacking the boy?

I didn't read Clay's article because, well, you just shit on it so I don't actually know if this point is in there but I'll make it here regardless. I'll preface this by saying Sterling is an old bigot asshole who should not be an NBA owner.

"Adam Silver gave some cover to this argument...when he insisted that the

"the ump and moved him away.the ump said you can't touch me.what the ump didn't know is my coach is a judge."

I think that was pretty clear, had he known he would have just made fun of his shit new show, Silicon Valley.

So I guess if I wanted to win I should have made a poor decision #Clips4Lyfe #StillHorny#NoInstagramWithBlacks #RichDecisionsOnly
- Donald Sterling

The Jets like to draft their quarterbacks in the back-end.

There Is A Snake In The Pacers' Locker Room Before Every Game

You'll find the bait if you read the title again.

[sighs] c'mon Sean, enough with the clickbait

Two things:
1. Ruslan Provodnikov and Floyd at 147?
2. Please God, not Amir Khan.

As good as this card was the post-fight interviews were gold. Loved Maidana just eating a cookie/pop-tart like treat and then laughing when Jim Gray slapped his hand down.

This was a shit article.

If he had seen Bullet to the Head he'd probably want to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of his football helmet with a bullet to the head.

Yeah, you're right, I have him on my fantasy team so I guess it just feels like he hasn't.

Fan: "Boooo! Boooo! Why don't you come out of the closet already gayboy!"

Cano: [Exits closet]

Fan:"Oh hey...Robinson, uh, it gets better"

Cano: "I play for the Mariners and have yet to hit a homerun"

Couldn't possibly choose a more ineffective protest than the Heat here. How do you echo a protest that's silent?

Leslie isn't the only owner of a sports team to comment on Donald Sterling. Earlier today people were making ridiculous accusations that Dan Snyder and Donald Sterling see "eye to eye" on the marginalization of ethnic minorities for personal gain. However, this was quickly dismissed by Snyder who said, "eye to eye?

"Ladies and gentlemen, your top comment!" - Kinja