
I don't see how they could catch every bandit who runs, especially the fast ones.

Pineda: [holds breath]

Umpire: I can still feel your pulse, dumbass.

LeBron is clearly trying to improve his brand in China here, a country which has recently, for all it's worth, developed a taste for milk.

For the sake of time it's a good thing Deadspin held a discussion on the legacy of the "Fab Five and not the legacy of Shawn Kemp, otherwise known as the "Fab 10? 11? Who The Hell Knows"

It is interesting that Blade made Kyle Kendrick sad, usually a blade comes into play after the fact.

I'm ecstatic Kinja brought this thread to the top, really changed my outlook on life.

"making a comment indicating that he was in possession of a bomb"

After closely analyzing the video I think I've identified the bomb in question around the 8 second mark, it is the notoriously lethal F-bomb.

I would actually assume that there's a standard based on the outlets agenda; the controversy surrounding the different pictures of Trayvon Martin that different media agency's used to put forth their agenda (innocent kid v. thug) taught me that.

How about when Chris Anderson was being investigated for child porn and they showed him with all those tattoos?

I'm just surprised Granderson knew what to do after a hit.

Romero bought the shit that got him banned OTC at a GNC, hardly comparable to what Braun did, buddy. Also, just because x,y, and z cheated doesn't mean Braun didn't cheat and cheat in the worst way. Plus he called himself an "artist".

Hasn't been an Aaron that cold since Burr i'm freezing in here, let me turn the temperature up, ok that's much better, Hernandez.

"UNC Athlete Did Not Receive An A-Minus On That Awful Rosa Parks Paper"

I'm in the camp that they cut him because he cost too much and/or was a dick. With that being said I don't understand why they didn't just say that when they let him go. It wouldn't be the first time they cut a star receiver for being an ass (T.O.) so hiding behind this gang bullshit is insulting to fans who know what

yeah, sure he's not a crip.

I enjoyed this

They may have been mediocre horses, but they were excellent at playing chicken, right up until when they got their necks snapped.

Not like there isn't a precedent for this, I just watched a video that got a game of chicken out of a horse.

"I will put eyes on the guy and have my boy knock him down."

[Michael Sam projected to go in the 7th round]